Meet Dr. Joseph Giacona

I was blessed to receive life’s golden ticket – a second chance – after surviving an acute bout of Lyme disease that left me paralyzed. 


Following recovery from paralysis I continued to suffer from low energy, frequent colds, poor sleep, sinus issues, allergies, digestive complications, pain, brain fog, terrible skin problems and hair loss. I consulted various doctors with no success, drugs weren’t working and I was terrified that I would never recover.

My journey to overcome my struggle completely changed when I discovered natural medicine. It was then I realized my body had the power to heal itself. In fact, I realized that the body has such a unique, innate system of healing so exceptionally good, with such massive transformational value that it is almost magical. This was my paradigm shift and everything – my body, my mind, my confidence – started to genuinely heal. With the help of some extraordinary healers, many of whom would soon become my teachers on my path to becoming a doctor in natural medicine myself, I learned 7 critical rules that have become the crux of my philosophy at Neighborhood Natural Medicine:

  • The body, if given the ideal internal/cellular/energetic environment conducive to healing, can heal any disease that is created within the body.

  • All true healing is ultimately self-healing.

  • Do not focus on treating the disease, but on doing whatever is needed to awaken the natural self-healing mechanism within.

  • When this self-healing/self-repair mechanism is awakened, even after decades of being severely ill, miraculous recoveries are possible.

  • If given the appropriate stimulation and kept free from disease causing factors, the body is designed to always move towards health.

  • This self-healing response can be achieved using strictly natural, drug-free methods.

  • There are an infinite number of health complaints/symptoms that exist, but there are only 6-7 causes of disease.

And it is that seventh and final rule that is the foundation for our healing system at Neighborhood Natural Medicine. We focus on analyzing and then correcting the 6-7 causes of disease.

The 6 - 7 Causes of Disease

  1. Checking and verifying the patient has operative detox pathways – liver, kidney, bowel and assessing the patient for toxemia in general.

  2. Assessing the patient for nutritional deficiencies, such as amino acids, minerals etc.

  3. Analyzing the patients internal communication pathways and their chemical components, namely hormones and neurotransmitters.

  4. Checking pH balance.

  5. Verify proper cellular energy production/ATP.

  6. Ensuring proper metabolic function, enzyme balance and diet.

  7. Analyzing the flow & circulation of energy through the body, making sure it is not blocked.

Through the unbelievable care and guidance of these healers, and through understanding the 7 vital rules and then correcting the 6-7 causes, I was able to completely heal myself – so much that I was recruited to play division 1 men’s basketball at Boston College. Using this exact same process at Neighborhood Natural Medicine we have successfully reduced and eliminated the effects of ill health, as well as its infinite number of symptomatic manifestations with a vast majority of our patients.

Training To Be A Holistic Doctor In Natural Medicine

Becoming a holistic doctor was quite honestly not my original plan or passion, architecture was actually my first love. Nevertheless, I am a humble member of a lineage of healers that dates back centuries. I cannot take any credit for the results we achieve at Neighborhood Natural Medicine. I know only two things: I have great faith in the body to heal itself, having experienced it myself, and the knowledge and clinical insights my teachers shared with me.

In conclusion, although I have over 10 years of formal schooling, with up 10,500 hours of both clinical training and in-class instruction, as mentioned above my true education came over the many years I spent apprenticing along side numerous of the worlds top healing masters and doctors gaining direct, hands-on experience with thousands of patients, gleaning all the essential aspects of my mentor’s techniques. These teachers, about eight to nine in total, instructed me in the healing arts of naturopathy, sujok acupuncture, acupuncture, modern naturopathy, homeopathy, meridian analysis, clinical nutrition, neuro-muscular rehabilitation, herbal medicine, clinical kinesiology, bio-resonance testing, detoxification to name a few. During those years I’ve estimated seeing well over a few thousand patients, in no less than 20,000 individual treatments.

Since then, we have helped thousands of people become blessed with a golden ticket – a second chance 

Some of my other certifications, trainings and qualifications include:

Attended Boston College, Columbia University, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine

Doctor of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture (RI), L.Ac (NY)

Apprenticed under various naturopaths and healers studying the practice of naturopathy, topics included:

  • Toxemia

  • Herbology

  • The use glandulars

  • The use enzymes

  • Understanding pH

  • Nutrition

  • Children’s health

  • Kinesiology

  • Mind-body connection

Studied with Dr. Savely Yurkovsky, creator of FCT(R), a comprehensive healing system which employs the safe, effective use of a novel homeopathic system aimed at detoxing and restoring organ and tissue function.

Advanced level practitioner of Sujok Acupuncture created by Dr. Professor Park Jae Woo, receiving training from Dr. Sankar Mohanaselvan, M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), D.Ac of the Sujok Academy of Acupuncture in Chennai, India.

Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine. Received over 3,500 hours (both clinical and academic), over a period of four years, of training in acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, nutrition, physiology, and pathology.

Studied Nutrition Acoustic Myography, discerning nutritional
imbalances through reading an endocardiograph, under Dr. Lester Bryman. With over a half a century of clinical experience, Dr. Bryman is one of the world’s top nutritional practitioners.

Trained directly under Dr. George Gonzalez in Los Angeles, CA, creator of Gonzalez Rehabilitation Technique (GRT), new and extremely effective method for the rehabilitation of nervous system disorders and nerve damage.

Skilled practitioner of Nutrition Response Testing and Clinical Nutrition, training with Dr. Freddie Ulan and Dr. Lori Puskar.

Trained directly under Dr. Stephan Kaufman in Denver, CO. He is truly one of the most remarkable healers on the planet.

Received certification from The Institute for Classical Asian Studies Certified advanced Traditional Chinese Medicine Pathophysiology, modeled on the collegiate training programs in Asia.

Topics included:

  • The relationship between basic physiology & the development of disease.

  • The gradations of severity in Traditional Chinese Medicine pathology.

  • How to treat each level of pathological development & predict progress.

  • Understanding the functions of living organic process in Traditional

  • Chinese Medicine.

Received certification from The Institute for Classical Asian Studies level 1 Medical Qi Gong Training, as well as the Advanced 36 Acupuncture Needle Techniques.

Attended Dr. Eugene Charles Applied Kinesiology Certification Course in Manhattan, NY certified through The International College of Applied Kinesiology and became proficient in advanced techniques in the treatment of:

  • Trigger points

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Hip, knee, ankle, foot disorders

  • Complex acupuncture / meridian imbalances

  • Elbow, wrist, hand disorders (carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, etc.)

  • Functional endocrine imbalances (ie. PMS, infertility, dysglycemia, allergies, etc.)

Studied nutrition with Dr. Michael Dobbins, D.C, topics included:

  • Natural Alternatives for the Mayo Clinic: Top 10 Health threats for men & Women

  • Breakthrough nutritional insights and products of Dr. Royal Lee – Natural versus “Synthetic” supplements

  • The Theory of Protomorphology as developed by Dr. Royal Lee

  • Integrating Herbal formulations with Whole Food Concentrates

Studied macrobiotic nutrition with Michio Kushi and helped with the set up of the History of Macrobiotics Installation at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History Washington, DC, when it archived documents and artifacts related to the macrobiotic work in the Kushi Family Collection.

Trained as a hospice volunteer at Continuum Hospice, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York NY. In a hospice setting volunteers offer support to the dying and their family members through compassionate listening, spiritual discussion, art therapy and relaxation techniques such as meditation and light touch.

Studied ‘Worsley Style Acupuncture’ with Lonny Jarrett, author of The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine, learning the inner functions of acupuncture points, herbal formulas and acupuncture point combinations.

Studied basic qi gong forms, breath control and posture with Nan Lu, O.M.D., author of a number of books on traditional Chinese medicine.

Worked as an acupuncturist and meditation teacher at St. Vincent’s Cancer Care Center in NYC.

And I was also a volunteer for the Alvin and Alfreda Williams Sr. Foundation, a foundation that raises money for Autism research and awareness.


Every year I engage in a two-week meditation retreat in the Lake District of Northern England. I have also engaged in meditation retreats in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, France, Germany, Greece, California, Portugal, Canada and upstate New York.

I have assisted in establishing meditation centers in Riverdale, NY; Brooklyn and Greenpoint NY; Jersey City and Hoboken NJ and Greenwich Village NYC. I am in my twelfth year of study on the Teacher Training Program at the Kadampa Meditation Center in NYC, where I am the long-time student of the world-renowned meditation Masters Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, author of Modern Buddhism, as well as Kadam Morten Clausen, resident meditation teacher at the Kadampa Meditation Center at 127 W. 24th St. I teach weekly meditation classes in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. If you are ever in area please drop-in. For more information please visit:

Thanks for reading! And thank you for your support in our efforts to truly be a neighborhood health and wellness resource – a place where the local community can find natural, affordable, effective, reliable, safe, drug-free medical care.


  • A doctor in natural medicine focuses on harnessing the body's inherent ability to heal itself. This includes the use of non-invasive, natural remedies and a holistic approach to patient wellness, which often involves lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and stress management.

  • Dr. Joseph at Neighborhood Natural Medicine offers holistic treatments for a broad range of conditions including musculoskeletal, neurological, gynecological, endocrine/hormonal, gastrointestinal, immune and autoimmune disorders, and circulatory disorders. He also provides support for chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Additionally, his treatments address various conditions recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). For a more comprehensive list of treatable conditions, please visit here.

  • Treatments from a doctor in natural medicine and holistic doctor can include dietary and lifestyle changes, functional medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, detoxification therapies, and other natural, non-invasive procedures aimed at supporting the body's healing processes.