Morgan H

Brooklyn, New York


Let me begin by saying that never in my 29.75 years of life have I written a Yelp review. I had to create an account just to write this. 

So. We begin. 

A year and a half ago I hit a rock bottom with my health. I had very little energy, most nights I fell asleep around 8pm to wake up 12 hours later completely exhausted, I had raging anxiety, deep, painful cystic acne and stomach and digestive issues. Drinking water in the morning upset my stomach. I was also freaked out- how was I going to get through the rest of my life if I maxed out at age 28? I was a hot mess express operating on zero. 

Uncontrollable cystic acne was my most obvious problem, so I worked with dermatologists for years without any success. And if you've done the dermatologist circuit with little success than you know its Dante's ninth circle of hell. The BEST dermatologists in New York- lasers, accutane, spironolactone, doxycycline, minocycline plus topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide cocktails, you get it. My body was a walking pharmacy and I just kept getting worse and worse. In the fall of 2017 I had my final dermatology appointment where they created a new regimen involving three different antibiotics and changing my birth control for the fifth time when I really hit my limit, declared "I'm firing you", grabbed my things, and dramatically marched out. 

Enter my attempts at treating myself holistically. i.e. Morgan spends days of her life in the deepest recesses of reddit forums and How much apple cider vinegar did I drink? The limit does not exist. How many times did I read that coconut oil cured cancer so I smothered my face in it? I was juicing beets, eating crushed garlic, drinking these mixtures of bentonite clay and psyllium husk- running in circles and confusing myself in the process. 

Finally, I decided to look for someone holistic to work with. I was unbelievably frustrated with the western model of treatment- total disregard for the body as an intricate and infinitely intelligent system, no care for the damaging affects of prescription medication, spending approximately 3 minutes with a doctor and having them dole out an unsubstantiated diagnosis. But I also couldn't handle any more 'mini beet protocols' (seriously google this one). 

Which brought me to a fateful internet search where I found Dr. Joseph. I read astounding reviews, checked out his philosophy on healing which made my heart sing, and filled out the little form on their site hoping to hear back. 

Here's what I'll say. A year and a half later I am healthier than I have ever been in my entire life. My mother will confirm this for you because every time I see her she tells me. I finally have vitality, life force, my anxiety has been sliced by maybe 75% since last year, I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed (an absolute miracle in itself), and I'm just generally happier, more at ease, and excited for life. The most noticeable outer change is of course the disappearance of my cystic acne. The most noticeable inner change is seriously increased energy levels and happiness. 

Dr. Joseph and Sam are absolute godsends. Truly. They are fantastic, funny, deeply kind hearted and compassionate. The healing takes time, they don't rush it. Bringing our bodies back into balance after years and years and years of imbalance is no small feat. It is a deep form of self love to prioritize your health in this way with dietary changes, regular acupuncture, supplements and continual adjustments along the way. It's not a quick fix or one stop shop, it's continued and ongoing compassionate care. Dr. Joseph is a truly gifted healer, as others will attest to. He's also refreshingly lighthearted about the process, there's no "oh this is really bad" or "how could you get yourself into this mess" just compassion and an unwavering belief that your body can heal itself given the chance. 

So my fellow yelpers. If any of this resonates, if you're interested in true healing and reclaiming your life Neighborhood Naturals might just be your spot. 

Happy healing. 

Cindy B.

Brooklyn, New York


Frustrated with the typical diagnose and adios of western medicine and finding no answers for a problem that's been going on for years, I decided to search Yelp for a holistic doctor near me. Neighborhood Natural Medicine came up in my search, but it was two hours from where I live. I was intrigued by all these positive reviews though, and decided to give it a try.  I'm so glad I did!

Let me start by saying Dr. Joseph is one of the kindest, most compassionate doctors I have ever been to.  He listens to what is going on and knows exactly what to do. He finds the problem and solves it and tells you how long you have to go.  For my particular issue, I had to go three months and now I am done. Keep in mind this is something that has been chronic and he cured me in just a few months. For this, I will forever be grateful.

A side note on acupuncture: IT DOES NOT HURT!!!  I absolutely hate needles, yet I don't even feel these go in!  Trust the process and  trust Dr. Joseph. You WILL get better!

I also want to say Samantha who works at the front desk is so sweet and accommodating.  I give her so much credit to do the schedule the way she does and still makes sure everyone is seen.

If you are tired of getting nowhere with answers and want to try something different, I highly recommend this place. You will be happy you did!

Jen M.

Jackson Heights, NY


i started seeing dr joseph abt 6 months ago with pretty high anxiety and complete inability to sleep. i was already being super good abt nutrition, having a night routine, blue light blockers, all the things - you name it - even 6 months away from the city, but still mu body was not healing. after 6 months of consistent care w dr joseph, i'm sleeping so, so much better and really could not be more impressed w him. i've rec'd him to all my friends and my mom even started seeing him for some nerve damage (see drives 4 hrs into the city to visit him!) and she has seen good improvement too. also, his prices are beyond reasonable - i reached out to another naturapath, she charged $300 a session! highly recommend neighborhood natural medicine - esp if you are also willing to do the work on your end.

Max Y.

Manhattan, NY



June 2016. The month I met Joe. Remembering back to my first time...
Referred by a friend and patient of his. At the time I never knew how lucky I'd be to take the unpredictable L train from Union Square to Williamsburg. Walking up the gum stained steps off the Lorimer stop, I wondered if this guy was the real deal. My friend had told me that Joe healed chronic fatigue, inflammation issues, even depression. Like many cynical yet ever-questioning Jews, I was hopeful but wasn't expecting much, definitely not a life-changing situation. Plagued with a hypo-active thyroid, torn meniscus, on/off depression, crippling anxiety, shakes in the middle of my sleep and intensifying right at the point of waking up, and let me not start with the dietary issues (allergies to meat, chicken, pork, milk, egg whites, rye, barley, buckwheat, eggplant and all night shade fruits/veggies). Oy vey. There was no way this Joe guy could help cure me of my myriad of "problems" that were affecting my day-to-professional and personal life. I had a better shot at seeing god! 

Completely written off ever not having to reach for the dreadful orange prescriptive pill container or jogging along the West Side Highway or the simple taste of a ripe tomato, I had flashes of the forty year old me soon looking and feeling like the ninety year old me. Leaving my apartment became difficult especially since I was operating on one leg. Not taking Armour Thyroid or Nature Thyroid (scraped from a pig's thyroid!) for several days would make me crawl out of my skin. I honestly dreaded waking up and going on with the day. 

Sitting in one of his thoughtfully appointed and peaceful patient rooms Joe explained to me that he doesn't treat symptoms (wtf? alert all western medicine physicians!) but instead underlying issues so he can get to the root of the problem. I lay down on the exam bed and he took out a wooden box that must have been a twelve by six inch rectangle. Inside it lay two inch long glass viles all labeled with various minerals produced within the body from testosterone to iron to magnesium. The box of viles was placed on my stomach. Each vile had a liquid in it with an air bubble not dissimilar to what contractors use to level out a wall. He raised my right arm and started to play it almost like a musical instrument. Tap, tap, tap, tap. I didn't know it then but would learn fast that his style of healing is magnificently similar to tuning an instrument. Or leveling out your body and it's minerals. Next came the pins, fast and precise. Landing in my temples, shoulders, arms, stomach, parts of my legs, and one flagged between the bridge of my nose and forehead. He draped a space blanket of lightweight foil over my body. As it works to keep heat out, space blankets also work to keep heat in. He had me at the space blanket. Leaving the room, gently closing the door, dimming the lights, almost in a single stride "Rest, brother, I'll see you in a bit," he whispered. As I stared up at the ceiling I could hear omstrumental music, mystical and transcendental, freeing my mind and flowing through my body. My limbs were first to react. Tingling, I could imagine seeing my body from above. My breath was steady, regulated, a taught kite up in the sky. As I dozed off I felt the most relaxed I have ever felt in my life. I was onto the start of some magical mystery ride. One which would repeats itself every time I have had a session. 

Three years later, I haven't taken thyroid meds in over a year and I feel great. I biked last weekend completely around all of Central Park and hit the gym several times a week now. I cut out my allergens (wanted to cut meat and dairy and proud it's not in my life for many reasons) and don't miss them. I sleep better, have more energy, and while I still get anxiety at times I have been generally in good spirits even when I feel like things at work and in my personal life are overwhelming. I guess the main take away is that I deal with stress and depression differently now. While I may feel them coming on they don't actually hit. I credit Joe with that. The acupuncture does work. The natural supplements prescribed do work. Consistency is key to being healed. Nothing happens overnight or from a few sessions. It's silly to even expect that. You want quick results, swallow some prescriptive meds and get ready to have another ailment as a catalyst. You want healthy, truthful, kind, generous healing that WORKS...then take the L, drive, hike, walk, run, crawl if you have to but go see Joe! Yes, he will change your life for the better. And yes, you'll be writing either your hundredth or thousandth or very first review so you won't need to wonder if this guy is the real deal. You'll know he is a genuine healer. 

(Samantha who helps run the office, is a scheduling powerhouse. I commend her for being so cool headed when the influx of patients is steadily a back to back scenario. You're an ace, Sam!)

Jessica B.

Atlanta, GA


This is going to sound redundant next to so many similarly effusive reviews, but here goes: Joseph irretrievably changed by entire life, within which fixing the problems that first brought me to his practice was just a part. I first came to him after a month of life-stopping insomnia that had created an impossible tangle of other health problems, all stemming from PTSD. When I left after my first treatment, I felt so substantially better that it was almost unnerving; I joked to my friends that they must've put drugs in the water. What followed in my subsequent treatments was a steady ascent back to a place of balance and strength, with whatever tweaks to the treatment i needed each week according to whatever was going on with me at the time (had a headache, stressed at work, felt gross from too much sugar, had cramps, whatever). Every appointment was the highlight of my week. I felt better just knowing I was going to be there and never once left without feeling restored and calmed and really just happy. I'd hoped that going to see him would help, but I never would've been optimistic enough to hope for just how much my life was improved during my time as a patient. 

Functionally, Sam, the patient coordinator, is a powerhouse, in addition to just being an exceptional person. She's highly responsive, organized in a way i'm truly jealous of, and patiently navigates all the moving pieces of making sure every patient is taken care of. 10/10 would take a bullet for both of them. 

I recently moved away from new york, and it's not an exaggeration to say that having to stop coming to NNM was one of the hardest parts of leaving. The inconceivable range of ailments that people find relief from under Joseph's care is a testament to the real magic of what work he does: He doesn't just treat a problem, he executes a sweeping rebalancing of a person's entire bodily environment. And that's to say nothing of immensely healing nature of his energy as a person or the clinic as a space. There's nothing I could say to adequately describe either of those, but they're both powerful and beyond compare. Anyone who finds themselves as a patient will undoubtedly end up feeling like this is one of the best things they've ever done for their health in ways they probably didn't imagine when they made that first appointment. In addition to being an extremely effective doctor, Joseph is an undeniable example of someone who leverages everything they know to do the most good for the most people, and all of the reviews on here are a small testament to the impact that has.

Very few things are wholly and purely good and beneficial, and this place is one. Until I figure out a way to convince Joseph and Sam to move to SF so I can keep them in my life, Brooklyn is endlessly lucky to have them.

Sam Q.

New York, NY


I bounced between various healers (skilled MDs, reiki practitioners, and all the in-between) for several years. I was so tired all the time that I dropped out of college and moved back home. I was seeing the best doctors. The tests and appointments were very expensive, and even with some positive test results shedding light on my biological issues my health failed to improve.

My thyroid was balanced to ideal, not just "normal", ranges and practitioners continued to blame my fatigue on depression and chronic lyme disease. They suggested that I accept things may never get better for me, and that I make an appropriate career choice that would allow for me to live the rest of my life in a state of exhaustion.

After 11 months of antibiotics for lyme disease, for the first time in my life I developed serious cystic acne. I took Accutane for several months, eliminated gluten, dairy, nuts, eggs, nightshades, fruit, and all refined grain products. I was treated for candida and hormonal imbalances. Nothing made it better, and I was not in a moldy environment.

I struggled with stomach issues and most foods made my stomach bloat to the point that I appeared three months pregnant. I was in physical pain that kept me from falling asleep and from engaging in normal activities. I struggled with prolonged bouts of depression that no one was able to eradicate. I couldn't sleep through the night. My brain was foggy. I was making simple (but serious) mistakes, like parking my car and leaving it running in the parking lot while I ate breakfast. I felt spacey -  and, worst of all, very fearful and a little hopeless. My doctors kept piling on diagnoses and failing to deliver treatments that made any lasting impact.

My first appointment with Joseph was in June of 2014, and I have seen a dramatic reduction in every single one of my symptoms. Most of them have gone away completely. My skin has been clear since (approximately) my 10th appointment. I can exercise pain-free, and I have the energy to so. I can focus. I am calmer. Foods that previously caused stomach pain, swelling in my limbs, or breakouts are now staples of my diet. I sleep soundly. I don't get depressed. I am getting my life back.

Before finding this place, I tried so many different supplements, dietary regimes, body work treatments, medications, etc., and nothing has helped me as much as Joseph. I tried so, so many things. What Joseph does is truly unique. I have never met another practitioner who understands the body as Joseph does.

Healing is actually way simpler than we think. If you're not getting better, if you don't want to take medication, or even if you just think you deserve to feel better, you owe it to yourself to come here. Try it for a minimum of ten weeks. It definitely won't hurt (like many Western methods might), and it just might cure you.

During my first appointment Joseph said he would not see me again if he didn't think he could help me. This is a rare practice among today's practitioners. Many other doctors see it as a personal failure if they cannot help you, and may keep you as a patient for years to avoid owning up to their shortcomings and their feelings of failure. Joseph is different. He really wants the best for everyone, and he will tell you if he cannot help. His ego plays no role in your treatment.


Juliette C.
Venice, CA

Joseph is an incredibly intuitive and creative healer.  I don't quite understand how it all works, but he helped me tremendously with my Lyme Disease.  I've been dealing with Lyme off and on since 1995.  Joseph himself had Lyme for 32 years, so I felt he had a deep insight into the complexity of the disease.  Through his sophisticated muscle testing system he was able to target my problems and address them.  It's been 16 months since I started seeing him and I have not had a relapse.  And I feel my immune system is stronger than it's been in years.

I highly recommend Joseph!

Bonnie F.

I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to start seeing Joseph from Neighborhood Natural Medicine. 

I came to him about 2 months ago because of some health issues I've been suffering from for basically my entire life. This was my first experience with natural medicine and acupuncture. It has been a pleasure to visit every 2 weeks and to feel the healing and positive changes by body has gone through. The "office" is clean, comfortable and has a very calming energy. Joseph is friendly, laid-back, very caring and has a special gift of healing. I trust him and have a lot of confidence in him that he will be able to help me achieve my ultimate goal to be happy and healthy.

I have suffered from acne on and off for about 15 years and an extremely low energy level for as long as I can remember. After spending years seeing dermatologists, I had enough of being prescribed antibiotics and harsh ointments full of chemicals that were always just a temporary fix. I needed to know the real reason I was suffering from these issues and a once-and-for-all solution. The combination of changing my diet, supplements and acupuncture is the solution I've been needing all these years. It's nice to finally have some answers.

Slowly but surely I am seeing an improvement in my quality of life. My skin has quickly cleared up and is healing. I have also noticed an increase in my energy level and I'm looking forward to more improvement in the coming months.

I highly recommend visiting Neighborhood Natural Medicine if you are looking for a positive change in your health and in your life.

E M.
Washington, DC

I have been going to Neighborhood Natural Medicine for several months now for my chronic jaw pain and extremely painful period cramps, which I had for many years.  

I am really glad I did.  My symptoms started getting better right away, and I am still seeing improvements.  As a positive side effect, my energy level has increased dramatically, and I can do so much more than I used to without feeling tired.  I had tried all sorts of natural and traditional treatments before for my conditions, but I was only getting temporary relief, and I had given up on getting better. I am now confident that I can heal completely.  

Joseph's approach to natural medicine is really unique, and it goes to the root cause of the problem so you get lasting improvements. He is really gifted, and also a very caring and kind person.  I highly recommend Neighborhood Natural Medicine.


T t.
Brooklyn, NY

Seeking help from Neighborhood Natural Medicine is by far the best healthcare decision I've made so far. I suffered for years from terrible sinus and allergy issues. I've had sinus conditions which lasted for months at a time, and saw several MDs who were of no help. These issues had a huge effect on my quality of life; I missed so many outings with friends, was constantly exhausted at work...I was so tired that friends thought I was suffering from depression or chronic fatigue syndrome. I've visited Joseph several times, and he's had be feeling better within 24 hours or less.

I can't say enough good things about Joseph; he has a wonderful bedside manner, is extremely knowledgeable, funny, passionate about his practice, and has helped improve the health and quality of life of me and a few of my friends. I've known him to help with colds, debilitating back ailments, gastrointestinal/digestion issues, sinus problems, allergies (food and environmental), and stress...but I'm sure there are a bunch of other conditions he can cure or assuage.

Other Pros:
The office manager is pleasant and friendly
Attractive, clean office
Painless acupuncture procedures
Relaxing environment (feels like a spa once you're on the table...I know spas, see my other reviews)

Lindsay F.
Brooklyn, NY

Neighborhood Natural has been my first experience with acupuncture- I must say it definitely lives up to the hype. I will probably go into more detail in this review than most would care to hear but I think its necessary in order to really convey how much Dr. Joe has helped me.
   I get chronic urinary tract infections. I have for years but about 3 years ago they got really bad. I was constantly in pain. I could not live a normal life. The pain got in the way of my work, my personal relationships, life in general. I went to see 3 or 4 different doctors- two of which were supposedly some of the "best urologists in new york." I spent thousands of dollars. They prescribed all different kinds of antibiotics- all of which made me feel ill in all different kinds of ways. They told me I was going to have to take antibiotics every time I have sex, possibly for the rest of my life. They couldn't tell me why it was happening or if I was ever going to be cured. It was horrible. I was out of options.
  My boyfriend had a friend who was a patient of Doctor Joe. I had always wanted to try acupuncture and his office was right in my neighborhood. I had nothing left to lose, so I went and told him about my situation. Within 2 sessions, a couple natural supplements, and some small dietary adjustments later, I was feeling like a new person. I have been seeing him every month or two for the last 6 months, and taking my supplements. No sign of a UTI. My mood and energy have improved. I can't say enough good things. My boyfriend sees him for his residual back pain/stiffness after a surgery a few years back- he is also feeling much better.
  Joe and his receptionists (past and present) are friendly, laid back, non judgemental and very accommodating and its much less expensive than seeing a "real doctor." Do yourself a favor- if you have a any sort of problem that you've had some trouble ridding yourself of, try this. You've got nothing to lose. 

Sam E.
New York, NY

Throughout my twenties I had bouts of depression and anxiety, and had gone on and off of antidepressants prescribed to me by various doctors over the years. I had also been diagnosed ADHD so Adderall had become a regular part of my life. After being off the meds for a while I started to feel worse and was considering starting another course of prescription meds even though I really didn't want to (I've always been pretty convinced that my "issues" could be solved with lifestyle changes and talk therapy if I could commit properly to those instead). I decided to try a more natural approach first to see if it helped.

I asked a friend of mine (who I was sure would know who the best of the best was in terms of alternative options) and she suggested that I see Joseph at Neighborhood Natural Medicine. Several of her friends had been to him and all raved about how he had helped them with various ailments. Several months later I am certain it was the best decision that I could have made. Joseph is extremely knowledgeable and kind, and through a combination of herbal supplements and a little acupuncture (I never knew acupuncture could hurt so little!) I am feeling better than I have in a long time. His bedside manner is really excellent too and I'm sure contributes greatly to his abilities as a healer. He also never tried to "up sell" me in any way and when he believed that I was doing much better he was pretty clear about the fact that I could come less frequently; more of a "tune up" here and there.

Doesn't hurt that the office is gorgeous and peaceful, kinda feels like a yoga studio or spa. The rooms are big and quiet, and everything appears extremely clean. And his assistant is great too, a really nice way to be greeted upon arrival.

HIGHLY recommend Joseph's practice.

Jill S.
Brooklyn, NY

I'll admit that I selfishly haven't left a review until now because I didn't want him to be so busy that I wouldn't ever be able to get in, but now I want him to be busy enough that he never leaves or retires, so for selfish reasons I now post this review :) I had been going to doctors for years for multiple health issues and prescription medication and surgery were their only solutions and when I was once again faced with surgery for what the doctors believed was a bile duct stone, I searched for an alternative solution. I found Joseph through Yelp and was in tears when I met him, so fed up with doctors and being sick and was terrified and yet after my first session I felt so relaxed, hopeful and like everything was going to be OK, which I hadn't felt in years. Not only did he enable me to avoid surgery, but after a few sessions with him I felt amazing overall. My inability to climb stairs without being out of breath was gone, my energy was amazing, he truly helped me transform my life. Since then he helped get rid of the worst sinus infection I've ever had without going on antibiotics and I've referred a couple of friends, both of whom also got great results...not only do I adore him but it's hard to not think that he's super-human/magical :) To new patients I would say to make sure to read the whole welcome packet; I followed pretty much everything it said. I would also say to not go in believing that this is an ordinary place that just offers acupuncture. Go in knowing that it's a place of genuine healing.

Anu M.
Brooklyn, NY

After experiences at several acupuncture places around the city, with unwelcome environments and poor customer service/bedside manner, I was relieved to come across Neighborhood Natural Medicine and Joseph. In my first visit, it was clear that Joseph is a healer- he is compassionate, generous, intelligent, thoughtful, disciplined and cares so much about the health and well-being of his patients.

The combination of diet changes, acupuncture, dietary supplements and crystal therapy led to positive results.  Within a few months, a few of my issues were treated and a few months after that, all of my issues were treated.  

Since being healed, I have recommended him to all of my friends and will continue to recommend him to any friend that is looking for a positive healing experience.

Claire D.
Brooklyn, NY

I spent much of Summer 2012 traveling from doctor to doctor, trying to rid myself of a gnarly skin condition set off by a combination of antibiotics, diet, and stress. In October, following five months of immunosuppressants, oral anti-fungal medications, steroid creams, invasive biopsies, and squirrely general practitioners and dermatologists more interested in treating (or not treating...) the localized problem vs. my whole body, I felt very sad and looked like a red-spotted toad. Fortunately, I booked an appointment with Joseph.

It is now February, and the aforementioned skin condition is not only under control, but my overall physical, mental, and spiritual health is also completely transformed thanks to Joseph's acupuncture, nutritional healing, and overall awesomeness. Cutting gluten and alcohol from my diet, along with taking prescribed supplements, has drastically transformed my mood. Where I used to feel emotionally out-of-whack (i.e., habitually depressed/anxious), I now feel bright and balanced. This balance has in turned deepened my yoga, meditation, teaching and writing practices--and altered my exterior shell to boot. Although making lifestyle adjustments is not easy, if you truly wish to improve your overall wellbeing, it is well worth the effort, and Neighborhood Natural Medicine will offer you support along the way.

What more can I say? With great enthusiasm, I recommend Joseph's clinic highly with no reservations.

P.S. I also recently had trigger point therapy/dry needling done by Joseph, which is effective (and extreme fun for all you acupuncture geeks :-)) 


alex m.
Manhattan, NY

Joseph is a true healer. I started going to him after my hair stylist recommended his acupuncture for my hip injury (severe tear in right labrum). I had been going to PT and surgery at my age was strongly suggested against, but I was still in a lot of pain. After only 3 sessions with Joseph I could walk without pain in my leg and back (where it had started to manifest) and the overall imbalance created by the injury became supremely less evident.

Joseph did not solely assess the injury I pointed out to him, but my body as a whole. This helped to address any other latent problems that could've contributed to my injury or been a side result. After 4-6 weekly visits I started to have more energy, my overall health was stronger and I had proof that Joseph was tending to all things that needed attention, but that I never realized were malfunctioning. He takes into consideration your diet and lifestyle when healing, all without judgment and as a way to make you a more wholly and happily functioning human being.

I have since recommended him to many different people who can't stop raving about him or suggesting him to others, making it harder to book with Joseph...the only downside to come of such a positive thing! But we will all have to share, Joseph is great at balancing and does so with his now busy busy schedule. :)

Ariel A.
Brooklyn, NY

Wow, how can i begin to explain how much Joseph has helped me? ill save you time by not listing out the ridiculously long list of ailments he has helped me deal with, and just hopefully convey that this man can trace back any riddled illness or undecipherable problems to the REAL root of its cause. Not only does he solve the strange and complex puzzle that is your body, but he does it all with a legitimately friendly and kind demeanor.  Ive been to a lot of mediocre alternative medicine/healers in my day, but this one is a serious gem! Also, his diggs are nicer than most spa's then I've been to.

la b.
Brooklyn, NY

Joseph is amazing at what he does! He's helped both my husband and me with various health issues, and most recently "cured" my aunt of some serious pain that NONE of her doctors were able to diagnose or remedy after months of visits and lots of random meds. Finally, I convinced her to try NNM, and after about 5 visits, her pain was gone and has stayed away for months! Joseph is the TRUTH!

Sky B.
Miami, FL

We have been nothing short of extremely pleased with the treatment from Dr. Joe. My 6-year old daughter began seeing Dr. Joe about 2 months ago. I brought her in because she suffers from awful eczema as well as  a general loss of energy, mood swings and grumpiness. Getting her out of bed in the morning was really hard and transitions as well. We came once a week at first and then began spacing it out. He gave her some herbs as well as in office treatments. It is pretty remarkable the changes that we have seen- my daughters eczema is gone, her mood is incredible. She wakes up with no issues in the morning and her grumpiness is almost nonexistent. Pretty amazing to say the least. Dr. Joe is a sweetie as well. Really kind, gentle and non judgmental. He does not enforce any strict changes though makes recommendations. I will say that we took his recommendations to heart bc as it was my daughter was not eating loads of gluten or sugar and so making additional changes was smooth.

Joe M.
Brooklyn, NY

When I was ready to address my health Joseph really came through for me and does still.  I've sent 3 other people already including my own mother.  He's helped me with allergies, psoriasis, fatigue, stomach issues and back pain.  I'd done acupuncture with other people and it just didn't click, but Joseph connected with my issues and I don't ever want to stop seeing him.

Tammy H.
Brooklyn, NY

Joseph is seriously special. I've known him for a fews years now and have seen his practice flourish and grow into something spectacular. He's extremely present with his attention and always makes you feel like everything is going to be ok...and he TRULY believes it. I fully trust him and his abilities to help and heal and recommend him to anyone who feels let down by "regular" doctors and continuous dead ends and never getting answers about WHY things happen. In Joseph's work, there is a reason for everything and nothing is brushed off.  I saw him after I had a major surgery and the doctors told me there was no reason a massive tumor just "happened" to grow inside of me. He took the time to ask my body questions to find out what the root causes were. He really does a great job of offering a real sense of perspective on how everything is connected....oh, and he is also a little big magical.

Arielle G.
Brooklyn, NY

Joseph and his wonderful office manager, Andrea create the most warm and welcoming environment the second you walk in!  I knew I was in the right place.

I started coming to Neighborhood Natural Medicine in July of 2014, and my health was declining and fast. I have a multitude of autoimmune disorders that cause gastrointestinal upsets and in turn, effect my appearance outside as well. These disorders have caused extreme cases of food intolerances, to the point that I have followed a very strict diet free of gluten, dairy, eggs and eventually nightshades.  I was suffering from severe hand eczema on palms of both hands, to the point I was debilitated in anxiety and not able to even wash my hands like a normal person. My hands had split down the middle at times from being so dry that they would bleed. My cystic acne was absolutely horrendous and was suffering new cysts every day it seemed like. Painful and upsetting. I was truly at my wit's end, with every doctor and allergist in western medicine telling me I seemed to be in "normal health". No topical cream would work for ANYTHING and it seemed to just make all of my immune system issues worse.

After a few months of supplements to help heal my body's gastrointestinal system and immune system, such as his special blend which helps my body finally rid all of the toxins my body for whatever reason cannot rid it's self of, and specialized acupuncture that changes the flow of the energy in my body to help facilitate detoxing processes, I started to see improvements in my body I could never imagine.  My eczema on my hands started to finally clear, my cystic acne seemed to be a lot easier to manage and I finally felt the constant bloat and stomach discomfort subside.  It's been about a year of treatment, and I truly couldn't be more grateful for the progress I've made. A year ago, I wouldn't dream to have as clear of skin as I have been able to obtain after treatment and just general feeling of an improvement in my health. My immune system can handle so much more than it ever could before and my food intolerances (although permanent allergies), have become less of a horrible reaction if I am exposed accidentally.

I would continue to go here for the rest of my life if I were not moving out of Brooklyn this month to Colorado. I am so sad to leave this wonderful place behind!  But Joseph and Andrea plan to ship me my personalized supplements every couple of weeks so I can keep up on that part of my treatment. I truly do not know what I would do without my supplements now they are what keep my body so in tune and in balance and in turn, make my life so much better.  I highly recommend Joseph as a doctor and on top of which, he's an amazing person. How could you go wrong?

Evan S.
Los Angeles, CA

So, I went here as a last resort. I've been dealing with an infection for 3 months and after multiple rounds of antibiotics and a doctor telling me she didn't know what else to do for me I went to see Joseph. Right away he made me feel comfortable and relaxed. (i've been tense since this started) He has a very healing way about him, you could call that bedside manner I suppose.

As far as results... I've seen him three times so far (once a week) and I am 85-90% better. It's literally the first time I've felt human since I first went to see him. I love Joseph, he has literally changed my life. That's all I can say.

Joanna H.
Brooklyn, NY

The offices are so inviting and peaceful. Joseph is very present and puts you at ease in a way that is remarkable. He has excellent bedside manner and a great sense of humor which makes it easy to talk to him about even the most embarrassing of physical symptoms. His positive energy seems to permeate the entire premises and makes you feel like you've entered another world. It's trippy. The acupuncture puts me in a state of bliss. I look forward to it every month.

When I started going to Joseph I was experiencing depression, anxiety, migraines, and a whole host of other problems. My energy was so low that it was very difficult to function normally. I was being prescribed all sorts of harsh meds by doctors who wanted to put me on even more, and nothing was working.

I feel so fortunate to have found Neighborhood Natural Medicine. Since my first visit in September I've seen steady improvement. My life is completely transformed. It started small and continues to build. The first milestone was being able to make it through a week of work without an anxiety attack or a migraine. I notice my energy level increasing, my sleep improving, my skin clearing up, and my menstrual cycle becoming easy and pain-free.

Now, I feel like someone went inside my mind and switched out an old filter for a new one. Not only are my thoughts clearer but they are more positive and the world looks different. I'm better able to take care of myself. I crave healthier foods, I'm more active, and my relationships with loved ones are more enjoyable. Really everything is profoundly different. Instead of feeling like I'm fighting my environment I feel as though I'm being nurtured by it. Everything has become more harmonious. My ambition is back and for the first time in years I'm excited about the future. My gratitude is boundless.

Delaney J.
Brooklyn, NY

As I am sitting down to write this review, I am having trouble even conjuring the words to accurately encompass my love and gratitude for Joseph and everyone at NNM.

At 15 years old my health started to rapidly deteriorate, the first noticeable symptoms being neurological and, for lack of better words, absolutely terrifying. The following 6 years held nothing but worse health and suffering, the neurological symptoms only worsened and new symptoms developed until I was terrified of every day. Excruciating pain, vertigo that would strike suddenly and often, panic attacks, a worsening esophageal condition, a myriad of neurological symptoms, and no answers. I got every test known to Western medicine (MRIs, EEGs, EKGs, DNGs), say every kind of specialist, and they all told me the same thing "There is nothing wrong with you." Frustrated, terrified, and alone in my sickness, there were definite moments of weakness when I could barely lift my arms in bed when I would think that there was no way out, that I would be trapped forever in this body of such toxic feeling.

At 20 years old, after years of misdiagnosis and condescension at the hands of the medical community, I finally made the decision to pay out of pocket for the IgeneX Lyme Disease test (the only test proven accurate for the diagnosis of Lyme, not offered in hospitals or doctor's offices, only accessible if you seek it out and pay out of pocket). I had been tested multiple times for Lyme over the course of the 6 years of sickness but each test came back negative. I received my results, I was reactive on all strands. Not only did I have Lyme Disease, but I REALLY had Lyme Disease. My doctor urged me to seek a specialist. In January of this year, I began the antibiotic treatment (akin to chemo in its poisonous effect on the body) and was completely out of commission, writhing in pain, having to take three bentonite clay baths a day to even begin to get the toxins moving out of my body. After several months of this treatment, no end in sight, a doctor I could not afford who did not treat me with kindness or compassion, and a body that was crying out to me, a friend recommended Joseph to me after reading his Lyme philosophy on the NNM website. I was at a point where I felt I had no options, I was drowning in my sickness both physically and mentally and felt I had nothing to lose, I made an appointment with Joseph.

When I first came in, I think I was almost in tears as I told Joseph my story, which he listened to compassionately and attentively. I told him I was not yet comfortable stopping the antibiotics altogether (I had been instilled for so long with the Western medicine mentality of fear), he told me honestly that it was bad for me but that he understood, and we would continue with treatment regardless, because he saw how sick I was and how much I needed for someone to help me and believe in me. After my first session, I was in shock at the difference it made immediately. I knew that this was the best decision I ever made. A few weeks later, my body began to shut down,
then I found out that I was having a severe toxic reaction to the antibiotics. My other doctor then tried to prescribe me even harsher antibiotics to counter the toxic reaction from the first round of antibiotics. And charge me $700 for it. That was the last straw. I made the decision to completely stop the use of any drugs or antibiotics and completely trust Joseph with my healing process. This was the smartest and most important decision of my life.

In the nearly six months since I stopped the antibiotics, I have seen Joseph every single week and my progress has been absolutely astronomical. I came into NNM desperate, afraid, and absolutely negative about the future of my health. I was at 0% with no inkling of hope. Now, only six months later, after 7 YEARS of severe chronic sickness, I am at 80% and only getting better every day. And this is all because of Joseph. Not only is he an incredible doctor and healer, he is a beautiful and kind person, who genuinely cares about every single one of his patients. He often tells me that he loves seeing people getting better because every patient that comes in with their own respective ailments is a puzzle to be solved, and he loves when the pieces come together. I can not recommend Joseph enough to anyone who has ailments they need solved, to anyone who is sick of the medical industrial complex and the Western medicine community's antibiotic heavy treatment options that break down your body's natural defenses instead of aiding it to help itself.

Joseph has not only helped me to heal physically tenfold, but he has also healed me emotionally and mentally. I have such a positive outlook on every aspect of my life now, especially my health. He has given me hope, which I had lost for the majority of my life. Joseph truly saved my life, and I am eternally grateful and in awe of his soul and spirit.

Dan R.
New York, NY

Joseph is truly a miracle worker. He not only helped me, but he continues to heal everyone I've sent to him. If you're suffering from any ailment or just want to work on your overall energy- schedule an appointment. He has a gift. Joseph also leads meditation class in Williamsburg on Wednesday nights from 8-930pm- this class has also helped me transform my life. Can't say enough positive things about him and his business.

Joan T.
Mahwah, NJ

The kind, compassionate, insightful, and highly gifted healing methods of Dr. Joseph Giacona makes him an exceptional practitioner of natural medicine techniques.  It was most fortuitous that I was given a recommendation to seek out his practice and begin treatment under his expert care.  The changes I have observed and others have also noted, have been tremendous and life changing.  The radical shift from pain ridden to pain free has enabled me to feel truly blessed and grateful for the gift of  Dr. Joe's healing skills.  I am so fortunate to be able to continue to expand, grow, shift and change as the benefits of Dr. Joe's acupuncture treatments and herbal supplements have made me feel strong and healthy in a short period of time.  I am excited to be on the path to great health, and know with confidence that Dr. Joseph Giacona has been instrumental in opening the gateway for this life changing experience for me.  He is an exceptional person and doctor.  The world is blessed because of his presence in it.

Pamela T.
Brooklyn, NY

Despite a good diet and healthy/low stress lifestyle, I came to see Joseph after many years of fatigue, pain, migraine symptoms, arthritis, etc.  I immediately felt comfortable with his business model which allows him to spend focused quality time with each patient yet keeps things affordable.  Muscle testing eliminates the need for expensive medical testing and is accurate and updated every visit.  After evaluation, treatment usually includes an acupuncture session and concludes with the recommendation of one or two supplements to be taken until the next visit.  Easy!

Because i had been experiencing dis-ease for a very long time, it took a while to re-establish a strong foundation for health.  At my lowest point, I was at 47% of optimal health but am now stable at 95.5%.  When I have an acute complaint such as a cold, flu or pulled muscle, Joseph is able to offer quick relief.

I have recommended his services to all of my friends looking for solutions to health problems.  I always look forward to my now monthly visits: the sunny loft office in Williamsburg, chatting with Joseph and Coleen and the promise of feeling even better.

Katrin K.
Williamsburg, NY

Joseph really saved my life!!! I don't know what I would have done without him. I had been to so many different doctors, taken so many different treatments, but nothing was helping.
With Joseph I got another chance to live a better life, it was truly life changing for me.

Whatever you might have, go see Joseph he will help you!!! 

Shauna S.
Brooklyn, NY

Blessing. Gift. Godsend.

Joseph's healing treatments have given me a new lease on life - no exaggeration.

Chron's Disease overtook me - the daily pain and bloating I suffered for over two years was beyond overwhelming. When dietary changes and prescriptions weren't helping me I wondered daily how I was going to live a life in that condition. Some days I didn't know how if I could.

Then - I found Joseph and my world began to change immediately - and it's continuing to improve with each treatment. His working all areas and is transforming my health......

Chron's - Thyroid issues - Hormonal imbalance - Depression episodes - Body aches - Energy lulls....

He's covering each and everyone.  My improved blood tests baffle my Western doctors - Awesome.

Joseph is the REAL DEAL .... And the clinic is lovely - a perfect setting to embrace and support the healing.

Beth C.
Manhattan, NY

Joseph is the genuine article- a gifted healer who is dedicated to sharing his gifts with those who need them. He serves a wide variety of people and treats many conditions with great success. The patients who come to NNM, even though Ill, seem happy to be there at that calm oasis because they know they're going to find relief from their physical and even emotional pain.

My own experience with Joseph was that he was able to relieve deep distress after I was hospitalized because of serious side effects from prescription drugs. In addition to my obvious problems I was suffering from low energy, body aches and pains, dry skin and thinning hair, lack of concentration, depression, sleep disorders and many other complaints. I pretty much had resigned myself to declining health now that I had reached menopause. Joseph treated me with amazing loving care and professional confidence.

It didn't take many visits for me to experience a major change in my body and outlook. I wound up losing 50 pounds while going through menopause - all without drugs- completely naturally and I would even say effortlessly.  My hair, skin and nails were healthy and glowing.  My stamina was boundless.  I mastered yoga postures that were formerly impossible (head stands and more).  My mental concentration was back.  Due to my weight loss I had to buy a whole new wardrobe which included a two piece swim suit.   Moreover this complete physical transformation had an emotional component as well. Having tamed those physical complaints I felt a renewed confidence in my own personal power. People started commenting on how happy I appeared.

Friends and colleagues noticed my dramatic transformation and went to see Joseph too. Without exception they all found quick relief from their own chronic and debilitating conditions.

At a time in my life when many resign themselves to diminishing vigor and pleasure in lifeI can say I have never felt better. Thank you, Joseph!

C C.
New York, NY

There are many testimonials here that delve into Joseph's depth of knowledge, his compassionate treatment of all his patients,  the confidence he instills in them, his adroit and versatile use of various modalities, and the warmth and welcoming nature of both his office clinic and his wonderful assistant Kat. All these statements are very true. However, in an effort to avoid being redundant , I will simply focus on the results realized through Joseph's treatments.
I have been an athlete all my life, and played professionally for three years after Division 1 university. These years took a toll on my body as I sustained several injuries, which were treated with multiple operations. Despite this,  I lived a very active life until about a decade ago, when my legs could no longer sustain the stress. I had already been through physical therapists and sports medicine physicians, when I sought out acupuncture, yoga, and other treatments. I did see moments of temporary relief, but nothing provided true healing of the pain and immobility. By the time I found Joseph, I could no longer hide my limping. Although only in my forties, I could not move faster than a walk without looking crippled, and I was again considering surgery. After being treated by Joseph on a regular basis, i can not only run stairs again, but have also begun competitive training.
I brought my teenage nephew to Joseph, after a debilitating cough wreaked havoc on his life. The undiagnosed cough would present itself without reason every couple of months for years. His parents took him to allergists, ENT specialists, neurologists, and pulmonologists. After batteries of tests, x-rays, series of medications, and proposed surgery, there was still no real diagnosis or cure. The cough not only drained my nephew physically, but it also drained his self confidence. Although deemed not contagious, he was not allowed in school, because the cough was disruptive to others. This also precluded him from participating in extracurricular activities. Joseph provided only a few treatments before the cough disappeared. It has now been close to two years without recurrence of the cough. My nephew only sees Joseph a few times a year for a check up. Last week, this now very charismatic young man participated in the county track tournament, and took home two individual gold medals.
My brother was the next to see Joseph. For more than four decades, I have known my brother to be constantly ill from October to April every year. He suffered daily through every winter season, with colds, flu, virus, and coughs. As of this writing, (it is now more than half way through January), he has been free from any illness or infection this winter. In any other year, my brother would currently be in his seventh or eighth round of illness. This season finds him without even a sniffle. He too, now sees Joseph only for a few check ups annually.
As long as I have known my mother, she has suffered from headaches and stomach challenges. In more recent years, she has been affected  by cancer, osteoporosis, and orthopedic injuries.  Having been a registered nurse for over forty years, and serving most of that time in a hospital, it took a lot of convincing to get my mother to agree to an appointment with Joseph. I had to book the appointments, and drive her there. However, after only five treatments she felt enough benefits to reconsider a scheduled surgery. She now books her own appointments, and drives herself an hour each way to the weekly treatments. By the way, Mom will be 80 next year.
I have friends from around the world, who book appointments with Joseph in advance of their visit to New York. I have a friend who cancelled her scheduled surgery, due to the dramatic results she received from just a couple visits to Joseph. She brought her husband, who had the long absent feeling in his hands restored after just one visit.
The chronicles are endless, but the bottom line is that I have shared Joseph with my family, and dearly loved friends. Now I am sharing him with you. It doesn't matter what other doctors have said, or how dire they portray your situation. It doesn't matter how long you have suffered. If you want to make a difference in the quality of your health, you need to book an appointment with Natural Neighborhood Medicine. Joseph is a deeply committed physician, with a singular goal and relieve you of your suffering. In this regard, his achieved results are unparallelled.

Hilary D.
Brooklyn, NY

At the risk of being hyperbolic, I will say that Joseph is one of the most powerful healing wizards I've encountered. . . and I know a few.  He approaches his work with gentleness, humility and humor and has improved my quality of life in ways I didn't know were possible.  As of the last few months of working with Joseph, I am healthier, more energetic and more resilient than I have been in decades.  Without completely understanding how his method works, I know that the ways he has developed himself academically, creatively, intuitively and spiritually conspire to make him uniquely effective.  I am deeply grateful to Joseph and happily give him, his method and his friendly, helpful and responsive staff the highest recommendation.

Sunny C.
Brooklyn, NY

I am a 56 year old widow, artist and high school teacher. I have had a very stressful life. As I have aged, stress and trauma has created numerous health issues: depression, anxiety, weight gain, insomnia and allergies. Two years ago when I was struggling with work and being a widow, I came down with Bell's Palsy.

The doctor at the emergency room recommended that I take steroids for my Bell's Palsy. I did not want to take steroids because I felt it would not really help me improve my health. It might "fix" something for a short period but never really cure the core of my health problems. I decided to call my cousin who is a doctor of Chinese Medicine, and ask him what to do. He recommended acupuncture. My cousin lives upstate so I could not see him for treatment but he recommended Joseph. He told me that Joseph was very good natural medicine doctor and someone he would go see if he needed treatment.

So I made an appointment. I was desperate, frightened and concerned that I had lost my heath. I met with Joseph and it truly changed my life. At first I saw him twice a week. After a few months, I went once a week. I started to loose weight and my face was improving. Now I am going between once or twice a month. My Palsy is almost gone, but my general health is much better. I look and feel younger. I feel stronger too and rarely have any allergy problems.

Today if I am feeling sick or have any health problem, I go see Joseph. I prefer his holistic approach than my western doctor who only examines the parts and never see's the whole situation. Even though I pay for Joseph's treatments out of my own pocket it has become my preferred medical treatment.

Joseph is an amazing healer. He is the real thing. If you want to help yourself become healthy and are open to natural medicine he very capable of helping you improve your overall health.

I really value him. He really helped me to gain back my health and change my perspective on what it means to care for yourself.

A G.
Brooklyn, NY

It's been just over a year that I've been working with Joseph over at NNM and I now always recommend him to anyone looking for body and health support. He doesn't just deal with your issues, he fortifies and strengthens your system from the inside out, down to the cell, so that your body becomes better equipped to heal itself. I have felt enormous changes since working with him. I walk out of sessions feeling more spacious inside, calmer and stronger. My moods are more stable and I feel like both my energy and metabolism are way more balanced.

Some history:
Just over a year ago I had hit a big wall in my immune system and overall energy levels, after increasingly struggling for many years. I felt as though I was carrying 'a low-grade, almost gonna get sick, up down energy'  and would literally feel zapped and depleted by the end of the day. It was making me feel low, moody and disconnected. I have a pretty healthy lifestyle so it didn't really make sense to me. I was starting to feel like I had to be "careful" enjoying my life.  For 3 years, I couldn't eat a number of foods or lose out on much sleep without triggering my body's immune response in a number of negative and uncomfortable ways. I would have a couple great days, and then my energy/mood/health would feel like crap again. I was taking a zillion supplements, wasting my money on them, and probably doing more harm than good.  

I had a strong feeling that I had to scratch everything and start from zero again because my body was not absorbing anything or improving. I started with Joseph on a weekly basis and after the first month had already felt major results. I continued seeing him weekly for about 4 months and then shifted to bi-weekly. I'm still working with him to boost my system even further and heal an old hip injury. However the freedom I now have to enjoy and be more flexible in my lifestyle and food choices has been HUGE and MASSIVE! Some of the symptoms I was dealing with have just about disappeared for almost a year! Something I did not believe was possible when I was struggling.

I highly recommend working with NNM. Please give it a few months and be consistent! Our body is smart but sometimes needs a little help and time to heal.

C.Tiff H.
Manhattan, NY

I've never written a review before, but as crazy as it sounds I would shout on rooftops for the whole city to hear just to tell people how grateful I am to NNM for LITERALLY giving me my life back. Joseph was my last resort and I don't think I would be alive if it weren't for him.

My story:
My battle with my health and depression started when I was 13 years old (I am 24 now). The last 5 years being absolutely miserable. I shut out my friends/family, never left my apartment, hardly could work, and was always in chronic pain. I couldn't travel, couldn't even sleep one night away from my apartment. I was at the mercy of hot water bottles, ice pack's, foam rollers, bio freeze, motrin, advil, painkillers, medications etc. I felt like a 90 year old woman needing to die, yet nothing I was diagnosed with was terminal so it was a hopeless battle I was ready to give up on.

After seeing 48 specialists, 3 surgeries, physical therapy, Chiropractic, and ridiculous amounts of drugs - Vicodin, Percocets, naproxen, all kinds of antibiotics, immitrix, zoloft, nortriptyline, amitriplyine etc (I could keep going) I still was NEVER able to find a doctor who helped me.

My symptoms + diagnoses from MD's over the years:
Fibromyalgia, Chronic sinusitis, myofascial pain syndrome, TMJ disorder, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, celiacs disease, lactose intolerance, allergies to outdoor and indoor things, chronic inflammation, intolerance to cold, chronic fatigue syndrome, joint and back pain, anxiety, irritability, depression, respiratory infections, weak flaking nails, hair thinning and hair loss, constipation, bloating, easy bruising, heightened pain and hyperhydrosis.

After realizing western medicine was a lost cause, I searched for alternatives. I started seeing an acupuncturist in Manhattan and spent 700$ EVERY month on treatments, sometimes it helped a bit sometimes it didn't. I then went to see a different acupuncturist who was really great but once again, something was just missing and it didn't work. I was at my end's wit, I didn't want to live anymore like that and I couldn't afford paying 700$ a month for treatments that weren't even really helping anyway!

My family and I were at the point of considering an extremely risky/expensive brain surgery that the Surgeons said MIGHT help with some of my pain. The thought of shaving my head + having my brain cut open wasn't sitting well with me and I kept searching.

I told my mom I found Neighborhood Natural Medicine and this guy Joseph and I want to see him first before doing the surgery. She said sure go see him, "whats one more, right?."  

Well, that "one more" saved my life !!!

I saw Joseph for my consultation in May 2014, he was extremely sincere, welcoming and open to discuss all the million things I listed on my consult forms.

He told me straight off the bat that if he couldn't find anything wrong through his methods that he wouldn't be able to treat me. I immediately found a new respect for him as every doctor and acupuncturist before had told me "I can help you" and then got angry when they didn't and made me feel like I was lying or something!

So he did his work up and found a LOT of things that were causing a ton of my problems. He told me to commit to the treatment plan and that if I do he can definitely help me and get me back to 50%, then 80% etc. He was hopeful, eager, excited for the challenge to "fix me" given my complex range of symptoms. I left his office, called my mom, and just burst into tears; BUT this time it wasn't tears because a doctor told me "its in your head" or "there's nothing wrong with you" it's because he told me "your NOT crazy, this is NOT in your head and there are multiple things that are wrong or off within your body.

For years even my OWN PARENTS thought I was a hypochondriac and didn't believe me, so hearing him say those words meant the WORLD TO ME.

By week 2 I noticed a big difference already. I only had 2 migraines that week and had more energy (usually it was 5 or 6).

Fast forward 6 weeks into treatment.
I was able to go on my FIRST vacation and plane ride in 6 years, can you believe it!!

As weeks went on I felt like a different person. My good days were phenomenal, still had a few bad days here and there but I started regaining my confidence and passions for things, started smiling more, laughing more, was able to go out, and actually started enjoying life again.

Fast forward 3.5 months to today.

I am about 80% cured, I'm happier than I can ever remember and healthier then I've been since I was a child.

My mom got her daughter back. My sisters got their sister back. My friends got their friend back. And I, got my life back!!

He is, plain and simple, a miracle worker.

Ana M.
New York, NY

I decided to book an appointment with Neighborhood Natural Medicine after reading the positive reviews here and I'm so glad I did.

I've been suffering PMDD for about 15 years and it just kept getting worse no matter how well I ate, exercising and taking a million supplements. I've been to a lot of doctors and had a million tests but conventional medicine didn't help me much or even made my symptoms worse. By the time I booked an appointment with Joseph I was having disabling symptoms for about 3 weeks a month. The week I ovulated, the week before my period and the week during! It was a living hell and I had everything from migraines, very painful cramps that kept me in bed, back pain, insomnia/hypersomnia, bloating, anxiety and felt very depressed for no reason.

In my first visit I thought he was a bit overconfident when he explained how much he could help me, but about three months later I have to say he was right, I feel 90% better now. He said I would start to see an improvement in about four sessions. I might be an unusual case but I started feeling better after the first one! Most of my symptoms are gone now or have decreased dramatically and I feel like I can lead a normal life for the first time in many years. My energy has increased and my skin looks great. I still get some cramps here and there but I no longer feel incapacitated for over half of the month.

After seeing how much he's helped me with my menstrual problems he has started helping me with my TMJ and that's improved quite a lot too.

The office is very clean and it feels relaxing the second you step in, and Andrea, the office manager, is always super nice. I always look forward my appointment, and I'm somebody who used to be afraid of needles until recently.

I highly recommend anyone who suffers PMS, PMDD, or any kind of menstrual pain or pre-menstrual issues to try NNM!

Amanda P.
Brooklyn, NY

I went canyoning in the Andes on a trip to Ecuador and was bitten a few times on my left leg by some sort of biting/stinging insect. As I get attacked by mosquitoes all the time, I didn't think anything of it. I didn't think anything of the small rash that came and disappeared during the following week. A week later, I ended up in the emergency room with a severe pain in my left calf muscle. My concerns about a tick-borne illness were brushed off, and I was sent home after they literally forgot about me for two hours in the emergency room.

After one more trip to the emergency room, multiple visits and daily calls to my GP, and the never-ending waiting game for specialists, I was told that it was some sort of tropical virus that would eventually go away. Even after finding a photo of an atypical Lyme rash that matched my own, I was told by my GP and an infectious disease specialist that 'this doesn't present like Lyme' and therefore couldn't possibly be it. Another specialist prescribed me an antidepressant (with a long and frightening list of side effects) to cover up the symptoms. He couldn't tell me what eventually happened to the patients he had seen with similar symptoms. At this point, I had read all the major books on the subject, diagnosed myself with Bartonella, and knew that time was running out before this became chronic. I had already passed the initial 10-day window for antibiotics, and it had been three months.

I was absolutely terrified by the neurological symptoms I was experiencing and dreaded waking up every day for the first time in my life. There were no more good days, and eventually the symptoms had spread from my left leg to my left arm (which was in constant pain), to my right leg and arm, and then my head, throat, and heart. I had severe nerve pain, widespread muscle fatigue (it felt like I couldn't lift my legs to walk), popping ears, numbness in my fingers and toes, floaters, and I was getting physically weaker and weaker. Every test (MRI, EMG, extensive lab tests) indicated there was nothing wrong with me.

In order to cover my bases, I made an appointment with NNM and another independent (and VERY expensive) doctor hoping that something would help. The first day I came to NNM, I almost didn't have the strength to walk down the street. I  remember barely being able to sit up in the waiting room wondering if I should just leave because I felt so bad. Hanging in there and staying for the appointment was the BEST thing I ever did. Joseph was warm, comforting, and was immediately able to see several specific issues. He said my energy was extremely low (40%), but in contrast to the independent doctor, said my case wasn't complicated. It didn't even matter what my diagnoses was. It wasn't just his treatments, but also his confidence that I would be fine that got me through the next few months. I had just started a rigorous regimen of antibiotics a few days before, and although he wasn't a fan of that, he told me to finish what I'd started. I was taking the antibiotics, seeing Joseph twice a week, and the independent doctor was amazed at how well I was responding. Then I started having heart problems because of the antibiotics and had to make the decision (as Joseph would say) to take off my western hat. This was a much harder decision to make than I'd like to admit.

Fast forward, and it's now been three months tomorrow since my first appointment at NNM. I stopped seeing the independent doctor (through whom I was able to get a confirmed diagnoses of Lyme and Batonella using IGeneX) and put all my trust in Joseph. He told me from the beginning that I didn't need the antibiotics, and that my body would feel better without them. I was extremely scared to go off them at the time, but he was totally right. I can't imagine what this process would have been like without Joseph's guidance and support. He has squeezed me in to his schedule when unexpected issues came up and has always answered my (sometimes panicked) questions by email.

Joseph doesn't say much about how he works, but I learned through experience that he understands the body much more than any 'traditional' doctor. He will tell you that the body heals in the order that it needs to, and this was also my experience. I forgot to mention the chronic bladder infections I'd had for years because I'd learned to live with them. They're now gone! In a session, I could be telling Joseph my most embarrassing physical problems one second, and the next we'd be singing oldies together. He has boundless energy, intelligence, and optimism in addition to being an incredibly gifted healer.

I'm at 90% today and am beyond grateful to him and his assistant (now my friend) Andrea for everything they've done. Joseph took the most frightening experience of my life and treated it calmly, simply, and naturally.

My western hat is officially off. :)

Marie D.
New York, NY

Joseph was recommended to me by multiple co-workers and I am so happy I followed their advice. For the last 10 years I have suffered from intense migraines - sometimes up to 5 days a week. The pain drained me of all my energy and it became a real struggle to get through an uneventful and regular day.

I have tried many things to manage the pain both from Western medicine and alternative medicine and the results were either short lived or the side effects undesirable. The treatments provided by Joseph and his wise advices have completely changed my life. I started getting treatments about 4 months ago, and I have now about 1 major headache/migraine every 2 weeks. My energy level is way up, I am more productive and my quality of life as improved considerably.

On a more practical side, the office is really nice, calm, clean and close to the subway (G & L trains). Andrea who manages the office is very helpful and welcoming and the appointments are on time. I highly recommend Neighborhood Natural Medicine.

Maxine D.
Brooklyn, NY

I was drawn to Neighborhood Natural Medicine because of the good reviews and the added plus of what seemed to be a lovely interior. I was looking for someone to cure me of my menstrual woes and I came to the right place!

Joseph is wonderful. Kind and gentle and a wonderful listener. I'm quite the skeptic so I wasn't sure if Joseph's treatments were really working, but after a few menstrual cycles with dramatically decreased pain levels, I'm a total believer.

After years of terrible PMS pains, and years being doped up on crazy pills as prescribed by various OBGYNs, I decided to try an alternative option. The amount of pain relievers that I took that time of the month had me feeling like a zombie, so I tried acupuncture with Joseph.

I usually would never air my drama like i'm doing in this review, but I'm doing this in hopes that other gals with similar problems will read this and try Neighborhood Natural.

I still get a bit of cramps, but nothing that a couple of tylenols won't fix. I used to not be able to get out of bed because of the pains, and now when I'm on my period I relate to those girls that never got bad cramps and it's amazing! I can't believe the difference.

I get excited when it's time for an appointment at NNM. The office is beautiful and relaxing. I feel so amazing after a session that when I've seen friends afterwards, I've been asked if I'm high because of the smile on my face!

Naima B.
Brooklyn, NY

First, I wanted to thank  everyone who  wrote a positive review about Dr Joseph Giacona. You guys showed me the path to a better health and better life as well. I was so sick and miserable before I met Joseph. He was my last resort. I had been sick for over 20 years. I had terrible migraines, digestive problems, knees pain. In fact I couldn't bend my knees for about 4 years. My hair was falling like crazy and my skin looked terrible(break-outs). My menstruation was a mess. I was depressed and had so many problems home and was unable to hold a job or at least take care of my 3 kids. I felt like I was dying every day. I went to different doctors and therapists and some natural healers. I spent so much money but I did not see any improvement. When I came to see Dr Giacona the first time I was very helpless and depressed. I had to be there to try something different for the last time. I am glad I did. My life changed ever since then. Dr Giacona suggested some diet changes and recommended three different supplements in addition to the painless acupuncture. Boy! I felt healthier right after the first treatment. I could not believe it. I have been seeing Joseph for about 8 months. My life changed totally. I am healthier and happier. I have a full time job now and I'm still improving every day. Dr Giacona is a great doctor and a great person. He listens, he takes time to explain things. He is an honest person. He NEVER tried to sell me supplements. Every time I ask him about a supplement he tells me that I didn't need more.I'm taking only 2 supplements at this point. I thank dr Giacona from the bottom of my heart. He is the best. May God grant him a long life to help people. Naima B

Alissa H.
Manhattan, NY

I found this place via Yelp and am SO glad that I did.  I'd been struggling with fatigue, anxiety and stomach issues for as long as I can remember.  No traditional western medicine or any alternative medicine techniques helped in any real or lasting way.  After seeing Joseph for a couple of weeks I started to feel consistently and progressively better and healthier than I have in years.  After a few months I felt like a new person!  

Joseph is extremely knowledgeable and is a truly gifted and intuitive healer.  I agree with other Yelpers that say he's a wizard!  Andrea, the office manager, is super nice.  Also, the place is decorated in a lovely, stylish and soothing way.  I can't recommend this place enough!

Laurel H.
New York, NY

My first experience with acupuncture and holistic medicine has -- quite luckily -- been with Joseph at Neighborhood Natural Medicine.  I came to him struggling with a variety of longterm issues, or what Joseph terms "blockages," that traditional therapy and westernized medicine haven't succeeded in healing.  

Though I've only been seeing Joseph since May of this year, the work he has done with me, which has included weekly to bi-monthly acupuncture supplemented by daily herbs, has already significantly deflated many of those blockages and on the whole, I feel better and more energized than I have in years.  

The care with which Joseph has treated my particular case and his approach to healing has also encouraged me to pay more attention and listen to what my body is telling me.  I've definitely noticed an increase not only in mental acuity and physical energy but also in my awareness of what's going on around me.  I would say that is an underlying walkaway from the treatment Joseph provides his patients.

Joseph is the only acupuncturist I would entrust to treat me.  This man is not only excellent at what he does, he is kind and compassionate and he listens closely to his patient's needs.  If you're looking for a healer, stop the search and give him a call.  He is worth his weight in gold.

P B.

Joseph is pretty much our go to person for the entire family. My wife first discovered him on Yelp and had great results within a few visits.  She had quite a few internal imbalances and had gone to her fair share of doctors, so when she started getting better so quickly, I took notice.
A few months later, I got a shoulder injury from working out. Joseph had me fully functional and pain free in 5 visits. His methods are not invasive and he is a great approachable person. Quite a difference from most doctors!
At the risk of sounding like an infomercial, we have referred multiple friends and my mother in law to Joseph. He has gotten the stamp of approval from all of them. If you're looking for an alternative to your healing, give Joseph a try.

Emily L.
Manhattan, NY

I can't say enough wonderful things about Joseph and Neighborhood Natural Medicine. About 7 months ago I started losing a lot of hair and wasn't feeling well in general. The shedding was so bad that I went to my doctor who tested my blood for the obvious issues (thyroid, iron, etc). Everything was "normal" and I was told it was probably just stress related. I wasn't stressed until my hair started falling out! In addition to the shedding I was experiencing extreme fatigue.

After about 6 months of hair loss, fatigue and trying every natural topical solution and supplement, I decided to try acupuncture. I'd never been to an acupuncturist and after researching several online, I found NNM. Friends had recommended others, but something in my gut told me to give Joseph a try. I'm so glad I did. He's extremely kind and understanding. He has a very calm energy, and he definitely knows what he's doing.

At my initial visit he confirmed my low energy as well as some other issues and said that I should feel at least 50% better after 4 or 5 sessions with him (I liked that he didn't promise actually made me trust him more). He also explained that everything in the body is connected, so there isn't treatment for just hair loss or just low energy. Instead, he treats the entire body and as it heals itself energy levels will rise and the hair will stop shedding. After the first session I didn't really feel any different, but after the second session my energy spiked. When I came in for the third session he couldn't believe how quickly my body had responded. I continued to feel better and right before my fourth session my hair stopped shedding!!

In addition to the acupuncture Joseph really helped me navigate supplements. It seems there is always a new study about the benefits of yet another supplement...I never know what I should take. He really helped me figure out what my body needed, which wasn't much.

I can't say enough wonderful things about Joseph and NNM. Since I'm feeling so great, he said I don't need to come in as often, which actually makes me sad since I SO look forward to my appointments! His office is really nice and has a very relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. His office assistant, Andrea, is extremely pleasant to work with and very accommodating.

francine s.
Brooklyn, NY

I went to Joseph about a year ago with terrible allergies to no one knew what. I had tried lots of other things, including other acupuncturists.
I've been going to him once a month for a year now and my allergies are 90% better. And it feels like I'm really better, systemically stronger - not like my symptoms are being masked by a quick fix.
He is the real deal.

N. T.
Manhattan, NY

After visiting numerous Western doctors, as well as visiting acupuncturists and a naturopath, I still couldn't seem to overcome my health issue. Within days of making an appointment here and following Joseph's suggestions (which were much simpler than I could have imagined), my health improved dramatically. I can't speak highly enough of Joseph and his practice!

Anna G.
New York, NY

Joseph is very professional and highly skilled. He has helped increase my energy , improve my menstrual cycle, allergies and asthma. I like his technique - he puts the acupuncture needles in so quick, I can barley feel it. His office is clean and he works in a timely manner. The price is very reasonable too! I highly recommend Joseph's services to anyone who wants to feel better in their life!

Erin H.

Joseph Giacona at Neighborhood Natural Medicine is a wizard! I nicknamed him this because he never failed to cure me of an ailment. I saw him for the first time when I was battling some hormone imbalances that were debilitating. He immediately zeroed in on what the root of them was, and recommended some essential dietary changes, gave me some natural plant based vitamins for a deficiency I had, and also performed acupuncture to aid in getting me back on track.

Within the week, I was feeling more energetic, my skin had returned to flawless, my hormones were adjusting back to normal, and within two weeks I was feeling fantastic!

I continued to visit Joe for anything and everything from colds, to back pain, to anxiety. Every time, he had something for me, and continually blew me away with his different healing techniques.

Joseph is a truly compassionate, gentle and deeply talented healer. I never believed in natural healing as genuinely as I do after being a patient of Joseph. I have referred SO many friends, and every one of them thanks me.

I have moved to California, and I hope I can find someone here as gifted as Joseph.

Susie M.
New York, NY

Neighborhood Natural Medicine is exactly the right place for people like me who live with ailments or conditions that the established medical community either prescribes a pill for or dismisses as just normal. I did not want to treat my symptoms but rather improve my overall quality of life. For years I managed with sleeplessness, anxiety and poor digestion. Nothing "life-threatening serious" or crippling-- just not totally ok. On the surface I was, by all accounts more than perfectly healthy.

After 9 months of seeing Joseph I was feeling less anxious, sleeping 8-9 hours a night and having normal bowel movements. A combination of herbs, tinctures and acupuncture was what worked for me. Shortly after, I went gluten-free and haven't looked back. My overall health is better and there is a clarity that was not there before.

As a person Joseph is kind, gentle and incredibly knowledgeable. What seems mysterious is actually concrete and Joseph is well versed at explaining it to the clueless like me. Really at the end of the day I can't say enough good things about Joseph's practice, from the lovely serene homey environment to the super competent Andrea at the front... it is well worth your time and more than worth the money for your health.

K-town R.
Long Island City, NY

This is one of the rare instances I actually used Yelp to find something very specific and quite important. I sustained a major injury that I'm still not sure how to describe. I'm a long distance runner so I'm no stranger to injures but this thing was bad. It is part sciatica mixed with my psoas and sacroialic joint pain. To say my butt hurt is an understatement.
Anyway, my usual clinic could not solve it. Then private practices couldn't solve it. I'd gone from Queens to Midtown to Chinatown. Over the course of a year I had searched long and far throughout NYC to find the "right" acupuncturist. I'd feel relived initially with treatments then once I'm on my way to the train I'd realized I had only relaxed but my pain was back instantly. It was very frustrating to 1. be in constant pain 2. explain my problem over and over again to different acupuncturist 3. book, travel, time etc. to get to these appointments and let's face it. I I don't have time for it. This is New York!. The money and time I spent to get pretty much nowhere with this pain. Awful.
I've used acupuncture for about 15 years now so I know a good one when I find one. So I found a place that happened to be near my work and read the Yelp reviews. The stories checked out. You know when you read reviews and 3/4 sound generic. I see this page is filled with specific stories of healing with a variety of symptoms treated so I gave them a shot. When I walked in for the first time for an appointment I ran into an old friend from the other side of the country. Random but not a coincidence. A trusted friend happened to be here? I knew I was on the right track before I even saw the Dr.! The woman that runs the front desk/reception was on it. I work in management and I know when someone is "on it" when they do their job. Andrea is ON IT. This place is ORGANIZED which is a relief. I don't mind waiting but it's nice to know your treatment is taken seriously from the very start. Then I got my treatment. Joseph is also on it. He's thorough and a warm person. He's not blowing smoke up your ****. He's trying to figure out your problems. I was skeptical yet hopeful. I've been going to acupuncture for 15 years and this was the only injury I could not relieve so this was a big deal. Well, my relief was nearly instant. That's not to say it was solved in one visit (it took a few sessions but it's called healing not miracles)  but I had finally found someone who nailed it. That is the most important part in an acupuncturist. When they get it you know it and if they don't it's very disappointing even if they are a good person. Let's face it this is a skill and Joseph is one of the best if not thee best acupuncturist I've seen in my 15 years of treatments. Other things to note is the great decor and herbs (should you choose to go that route). Now I get to be that guy in a conversation that says "Oh, you go to acupuncture? Well, my guy is the best in New York."

Erik F.
Brooklyn, NY

I was in a poor state of health, coupled with bad habits formed from typical office work life in the city. Joseph helped me get my diet back on track, and it's helped me immensely. My acid reflux is virtually gone, migraines are gone, and i'm more mindful of my lifestyle so i can keep my health in balance.

Joseph's "art of healing" approach is refreshing, he's kind and a great listener. I recommend his services to anyone, even in parallel with conventional treatment and diagnosis. Just ask him questions if something seems weird, as with any professional, he should be able to clearly communicate with you.

Abdullah C.

My mother had been suffering from frequent migraines since the late 90's. Her quest for relief was riddled with constant trips to various healthcare professionals including headache specialists, physical therapists, neurologists etc. Over the years she even tried various forms of alternative medicine, but to no avail. The treatments were always temporary, and she would always find herself back where she started: reaching for that bottle of over-the-counter pain medication. Her condition deteriorated over the years. The meds lead to an ulcer in her stomach which exacerbated the situation; her attention span was limited at best, she was unable to focus, and would suffer from headaches that would last weeks on end. She hit rock bottom last year. She had a severe migraine, so she decided to leave work early. On her way home she was involved in a car accident. Thankfully, she was not hurt and neither was anyone else, but this wake-up call warranted a response. I decided to bring her in to see Joseph. Just six months into her treatment, I'm happy to say she has seen considerable results. The changes I've seen personally have been drastic: her energy levels are higher, she has regained her focus, her headaches are pretty infrequent now, and best of all, for the first time in more than ten years she is completely off of pain medication. For someone like me who understands that painkillers can be habit forming, and lead to severe unwanted side-effects, this is a big fuckin deal! I'm supremely thankful for the services provided to the community by Neighborhood Natural Medicine. Joseph is not one of those doctors that cares about the paycheck more than the patient. On the contrary, I have never seen such an upright, caring, and genuine professional in the healthcare field. The receptionist Andrea is always on point and timely in her responses to various queries, whether by phone or email. (Don't hesitate to leave a voicemail- she always responds.) Again, I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of my family and the people of our great city. Keep up the good work!

Will C.
Mountain Home AFB, ID

I reached out to Dr. Joseph two years ago.  I have chronic asthma and allergies and have been taking medication for both most of my life.  I was also experiencing a series of back to back cold and flu illnesses that seemed to be in a never ending cycle.  Dr Joseph gave me a diet and supplement regiment to help boost my immune system.  He also informed me that my asthmatic issues stemmed from "gut" problems, so we worked to fix those as well.  

Some of Dr. Joseph's practices are non-traditional particularly for someone that is used to the techniques of Western medicine.  That said, his treatments undoubtedly helped me.  I haven't been able to completely abandon the asthma and allergy pharmaceuticals, but my immune system is much more robust and the asthma symptoms are greatly reduced.

What Dr. Joseph provides is not a quick fix.  He's not going to cure your flu, but rather work at a more systemic level to fix and adjust your body to help your health in the long term.  If you are willing to commit to that and be in tune with your body and health, then go see him.  He's also a cool guy.  

To other Yelp comments that Andrea can be a bit cold - I too experienced this at first, but if you take the time to chat with her, she's quite nice.  She is also very organized and efficient, which is great when booking appointments.

Schuyler G.
East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY

Joseph is one of a kind.  He is incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and a true holistic healer.  He has been treating me and my 3 kids for the past 4 years and he has helped us through a wide array of ailments, minor and major.  Like an old school physician, Joseph as been there for us through thick and thin.

Justine V.
Jersey City, NJ

After the birth of my daughter I had become very sick. I went to several types of doctors but none could explain what was causing my illness. After 3 years of degenerating physical health I had become very depressed as I began to fear that my health might never improve.  
Joseph was so incredibly kind. I felt like I had his complete, undivided attention throughout the entire visit and in all the visits following. It felt great to be listened to. I'm not sure if it's typical, but I began to feel some relief almost immediately after our first session.

Doctor Joseph's knowledge of natural medicine is extensive and he is an amazing healer, naturopathic practitioner and acupuncturist.  He genuinely cares. It is very apparent that he loves his work.  He has a peaceful and strong energy about him that always makes me feel like I am in the right place and in the care of a competent, confident healer.

Joseph gave me lots of encouragement  throughout my treatment and that made such a difference. He was always honest about the fact that it might take some time before I felt completely better so my expectations were realistic. It did take some time to completely heal, but each time I saw him I felt progressively better.

Overall I would say that I thank my lucky stars that I discovered Joseph when I did. He pretty much brought be back from the dead, and gave me my health, my sanity and my life back.

Ben A.
Los Angeles, CA

A little over a year ago I started seeing Joseph for my migraine headaches after having read through all of these amazing stories here on Yelp, and I have to say that in reading back over them now, it feels as though I have joined an elite club of sorts- A group of people who now, through the help of Joseph and Andrea, realize they no longer have to take a back seat to their illnesses or accept as gospel the diagnoses they may have received in the past. Everyone is capable of living a happy and fulfilled life and for me, NNM had been a most enjoyable and rewarding path to achieving this.

After only a couple of weeks into my treatment I realized that Joseph not only treats your condition with a caring and calculated approach, but more importantly enables you to better treat yourself- On your own time, whether or not you even realize you are doing so. Throughout my time as one of his patients (or better yet, friends) I have had countless insights as to how I can better myself and improve my overall situation, whether it be through a more positive outlook, a new perspective on my mediation practice, and so on and so forth. It wasn't long before I found myself diving into extreme challenges of personal growth with a level of ease I'd never felt before. I have never been the biggest fan of the city but by the end of only my first month or so I was already having a hard time trying to imagine how I would ever leave here, I so enjoyed my weekly visits to NNM.

As far as the migraines themselves, I would say I've seen at least a 75% improvement in both frequency and duration, and where I used to lay curled up in a fetal position with the lights off, the pain is barely that of a regular headache these days. I went from 1-2 migraines every 2 weeks to 1 migraine every 4 weeks, and from an average duration of 24 to 36 hours, down to an hour or two at most (pending if I have a nice place to close my eyes and doze off for a little while). And of course, I am still young on my journey- While it took a couple months or so to see these results, I have experienced debilitating migraines for the last ten years and no pill or neurologist, no crazy new-agey treatment (and I've tried them all) or militant diet has ever even come close to accomplishing what Joseph has. There's not a single doubt in my mind that I will be migraine free within the next couple of years, if not sooner.

As an added benefit, my digestion has improved dramatically- Something that I wasn't even expecting to see a change in. I've tried various diets throughout the years (vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, 10+ years gluten and dairy free) and for as long as I can remember have struggled daily with my low energy levels- My overall passion for life, really (dramatic I know, but honest). It seemed as though anything less than the strictest of diets left me yearning for the couch, but slowly I've been able to reintroduce almost all of my favorite foods and now, at 29, have the type of energy I haven't felt since high school.

Joseph treats your whole body, your whole being- And while conventional medicine still has its place, using pills as a bandaid and subscribing to this notion that migraines are not curable is no longer for me.

If you're ready to take the next step into bettering yourself and achieving a level of health you have always dreamed of, look no further than NNM.

Thank you Joseph, thank you Andrea, and thank you NNM!!

Kristi W.
Williamsburg, NY

Last year I got really sick - major migraines and anxiety and psoriasis and depression, just to name a few. I went to a couple doctors, got tons of tests done, a lot of medicine offered to 'treat' the problems. Nothing worked. So I then went to a few natural doctors who gave me a ton of cleanses and vitamins to help fix my problems. I still didn't feel happy or 100%.
Finally, I tried dr. J at neighborhood natural medicine. I CAN'T say enough about him. He is such a pleasure to work with. He is kind, informative, gentle, honest and knows how to treat people. Just after a short while, my migraines are just about gone fully and my anxiety and depression have improved greatly! I actually love going to my appointments because he is so humble and I leave feeling so relaxed!
I recommend Dr. J to everyone. An easy walk from the train too!

Cindy M.
Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ

I am forever grateful for Joseph and everything he's done.

I started visiting NNM early March because for 5 years I had been suffering from severe hives and swelling. Since I've been 16 I have had frequent hives and bumps that would appear out of nowhere. Some days my lip would begin to itch, and after a few minutes my lips would be entirely swollen. Throughout the five years almost every part of my body has swollen up at some point. The small bumps and rashes would even begin to spread throughout days. On the first day my finger would swell up, and then the next day it would be my entire arm. It was obviously extremely frustrating and I would basically have to keep myself home because I was so self-conscious.

As would be assumed I had visited countless doctors trying to figure out exactly what my problem was. I was constantly being redirected to an allergist because I obviously was allergic to something. I took the basic allergy test and came up negative on everything. My allergist really had no other idea what it could be so he gave me Prednisone (a steroid) in order to reduce the swelling or hives whenever they would appear. Prednisone worked great because anytime I would swell up, I would take 4 pills and it would disappear within the hour. Despite having something that would help me, I really disliked having to take a steroid to fix my problem. I wanted an answer as to why I was constantly having these reactions, and what was causing them.

After seeing that my allergist was unable to do anything but medicate me, I decided to visit a chemist/chiropractor. This doctor focused on my blood work and believed that I had H. Pylori, and this was what was causing my reactions. The doctor placed me on a strict diet that restricted me from having any sugar, gluten, vinegar based products, any produced foods, certain fruits and vegetables, and the list goes on. After doing this diet 3 times, I began to realize this was also a dead end. My rashes would continue to emerge and I became much more frustrated, because it seemed like no one knew what was wrong.

Finally, March this year I decided to do some research on alternative medicine and naturopathic professionals within the NJ/NY area. I stumbled upon NNM and after reading the amazing reviews and visiting the site, I thought, "hey why not." And I am SO glad I did.

Joseph is the sweetest and was genuinely interested in helping me in figuring out what was wrong. Within the first visit, Joseph believed my problem completely stemmed from my gut and placed me on a detox. He gave me two sets of pills, and a droplet of cinnamon bark, and sent me on my way. Joseph was straightforward and said he was unsure if he could make me 100% better, but he knew he could at least get me halfway. After a week of being on the pills I was honestly already starting to feel better. My bumps and rashes would still appear, but they would not spread like before. They would disappear within the following hours. This was amazing! I visited him two more times afterwards and I was seriously getting better. Within the two months that I've been seeing him I have no had any bumps or hives, and it really feels like a miracle.

I really am so appreciative for Joseph and I really wish I had found him sooner. After suffering from this unknown allergy for so long, it feels amazing to not have to worry about getting them anymore. I can now fully enjoy my life without worrying about my appearance or whether or not I should eat something. Joseph has been the only one who has helped me and I am forever indebted.

Lauren S.
Brooklyn, NY

My primary physician is wonderful, but western medicine just wasn't working for me. I had come in with various complaints over the last few years, and all they gave me were "Bandaid" solutions - treating the symptoms and not the core issue. I knew I needed an alternative solution - a Naturopath or a Homeopath or a holistic physician - but most of them are way out of my price range and not covered by my insurance...

Enter Joseph and Neighborhood Natural Medicine.

To be honest, though I am very open to energetic healing and alternative medicines, I was skeptical at first. I just didn't know what to expect, and even though NNM's prices are extremely reasonable, spending even that amount of money was worrisome at first, when I really wasn't sure if it would work. But I went along for the ride, and my life has changed.

I've only been seeing Joseph for about 6 months, and I feel like a brand new human being.
When I came to him, I had digestive issues, reproductive issues, skin issues, and extreme fatigue... I had been meditating for 6 months already when I first went to NNM, which had proven extremely helpful in relieving many of my issues, but my body was in such disrepair already, meditation alone wasn't resolving the issues entirely.

Within about 3 weeks of seeing Joseph, I was seeing dramatic improvements, particularly in my digestion and fatigue. I had so much more energy - I was no longer crashing at my desk in the afternoon! And my IBS was actually going away!
Now, at 6 months out, like I said, I feel brand new. I rarely have any sort of fatigue (unless it's deserved), my IBS is gone (GONE!), my skin is improving steadily, and my reproductive issues have seen a marked improvement.

Joseph has a gauge for how well his treatments work. He asks you periodically throughout treatment what percentage of the time you feel good/ great.
When I started, I think I said 60-70%... Now, in all honesty, I'm at 90%. I feel amazing 90% of the time. I didn't even know that was possible.
It's NOT NORMAL to feel like crap!!! Who knew?!

If you have a problem that western medicine can't seem to solve, or just keeps putting a bandaid over, go see Joseph. You won't regret it.

TL;DR: Joseph and NNM are amazing. They treat the issue, not just the symptoms. Worth every penny.

Sophie T.
Brooklyn, NY

I've been going to NHN for about a year now, and Joseph was my last resort. I've had horrible migraines for 24 years, gone to neurologists, psychologists, everything under the sun. I had to resort to lots of meds, and countless days were lost laying in bed, counting down the seconds of pain.

I started going to Joseph. His approach is much more than just acupuncture, it's more holistic in nature. He also recommends supplements if you need them, and will continue to work with you until your symptoms are completely GONE.

I have to admit, there were times that I doubted him, it did take a few months for my migraines to start going down in frequency (eventually disappearing altogether). But, he always had faith, and I kept going. It is so worth it. Joseph is trusting, not freaked out by anything, he's seen every kind of ailment. He's even seen me cry a few times at some low points. I always feel completely comfortable talking to him about anything, even my low libido on occasion.

A M.
Brooklyn, NY

I decided to go see Joseph after reading the review from C.Tiff below that I d like to thank if she reads this. Who could actually be that amazing to help someone that would write:  "I would shout on rooftops for the whole city to hear just to tell people how grateful I am to NNM for LITERALLY giving me my life back."

I already liked that guy as soon as he walked in the room to introduce himself. The kind of person that you think after a minute "this guy could be my friend." I guess he probably has a pure and peaceful energy.

I have been going for over 2 months now and I wont say that I am 100% great but I have been feeling generally much better by taking supplements (I have always been against drugs) Joseph also gave me simple tools to deal with my issues (mostly anxiety and panic attacks). I would like to add that before seeing him I went to try  acupuncture, reiki, hypnosis, chakra cleansing...
Even though some of these technics were useful I can say that Joseph has been the most helpful as I feel that what he tells me is quite easy to apply on a daily basis.

I also love going to his meditation class to have a different vision of life in general.

I recommended him to a friend who is also feeling better after having vertigos for "no specific reason". There is always a reason... and it might not be that serious that you think it is.

Its hard to believe after all these amazing reviews but this guy can really help you. Try it by yourself and you will see, worst case scenario you will lose a few bucks.
Anyone who is feeling bad, if he can afford it, wont regret to spend money to try to find help. If not move to the next, it is in my opinion part of the process to feel better.

Its really nice to have another option to try when you tried so many that don't really help.

Thank you Joseph for helping us and being that beautiful person.

Chris R.
Brooklyn, NY

I came to Neighborhood Natural Medicine with a handful of issues. Two of them, lagging energy levels and stomach pain were long-term to chronic issues for me. The stomach pain went back to my earliest childhood memories and the low energy levels had been with me for as I long as I care to consciously remember. The third issue, gout, was an unwelcome newcomer, having started to flare-up in my feet on a semi-regular basis over the past couple of years. I had started down my own path of self-directed healing about 6 months before seeing Joseph and decided that some expert assistance was necessary to boost my own efforts and get me where I wanted to be with my health and overall sense of well-being.

After working with Joseph for just over six months now, my energy's in a really good place, even after beginning a pretty serious cycling training program, which has exponentially increased my energy requirements. The gout hasn't reared it's ugly head, as my inflammation levels have been down significantly across the board. I've even started to experience what life can be like without the constant and draining distraction of chronic and life-long stomach pain.

In short, I really am feeling better than I ever have felt before in my life. I'm grateful to Joseph (and Andrea, who keeps the office humming along!) for helping me remember that feeling healthy and experiencing well-being are actually possible, after forgetting that a long time ago, somewhere along the way.

Dana C.
Brooklyn, NY

I made my first appointment with Joseph in the fall of 2014, after trying homeopathy for over a year without seeing many results. I'd had luck with homeopathy before and was optimistic, but 12 months in, I felt like I'd hit a plateau. I knew that I wanted to try something different, and luckily the overwhelmingly positive Yelp reviews led me to Neighborhood Natural Medicine.

I've had various health issues ever since I was on heavy-duty antibiotics about seven years ago, but my primary complaint was skin-related. I'd been dealing with constant itchy, painful skin rashes for almost four years, and nothing I'd tried -- from prescription creams to extreme diets to the homeopathy -- had helped. I also complained of low energy and a general feeling of being "run down" -- it wasn't unusual for me to call in sick at least once a month because I could barely drag myself out of bed. After years of feeling this way, I'd pretty much given up hope of ever feeling "normal."

I'm still seeing Joseph on a regular basis and I'm still working on getting to 100%, but he's helped me tremendously. I started noticing a difference within my first couple of visits -- some days/weeks were better than others when it came to my skin issues, but I saw progress, and that's what kept me going back. At some point, I also realized that I hadn't felt sick/run down in longer than I could remember, which was a huge thing for me.

My favorite thing about Joseph is that he's up front about what he can accomplish through supplements and acupuncture, and he'll tell you what part you play in helping yourself heal. Early on, I'd expressed concern about giving up alcohol altogether, since I work in an industry that tends to revolve around drinking. He told me that he wanted to see how far we could get with the supplements before I worried too much about changing my diet, but he did explain to me why certain things (like alcohol, gluten, and sugar) weren't helpful and could play a big role in skin issues like mine. He explained that I'd probably be able to get to feeling 80 or 90% better without changing my lifestyle, but that the last bit might be up to me -- and he was right! I've seen a ton of improvement since I first started on the supplements, but I'm also seeing just how much my own choices affect my health. I always knew that diet directly impacted how you feel, but it wasn't until recently that I realized -- with Joseph's help -- just how sensitive my body is to gluten and alcohol. I'm still working on adjusting my lifestyle and helping my body out with that last bit of healing, but just knowing how far I've come -- and that with the supplements and a healthier diet, I will reach 100% -- is a great feeling.

I think back to how helpless I felt 3-4 years ago, obsessively Googling my symptoms and trying everything from vitamins to cleanses to various doctors, and I'm so glad that I kept looking for an answer. If you're on the fence about trying something different, trust me: give it a shot! After suffering for so long, seeing results is an amazing feeling.

Emily P.
Manhattan, NY

Neighborhood Natural Medicine has been a safe haven for me in the city.
I first came to Joseph about a year ago for digestive issues and a weak immune system. I had crippling stomach aches multiple times a week, and a chronic cold. I had forgotten what it felt like to breathe through my nose. After three visits all of my symptoms were cleared.
Not only is the treatment world class but the office itself is soothing and peaceful. I am so grateful, and cannot believe how fortunate I am to have Neighborhood Natural in my life.

Thank you for creating this beautiful, natural healing space for all of your patients!

Ryssel G.
Boulder, CO

I've had a journey with Dr. Joseph. I am a 26 year old female. I came to him with severe acne. I had tried "everything." But nothing was working. My face was swollen, cystic, red. It felt like my skin was angry with me. I was on my last straw. Dermatologists and doctors urged me to go on Accutane- a strong medication-side effects include depression, suicidal ideation, and liver failure! I was so desperate that Accutane would've been my next step. But I decided to go see Dr. Joseph first. And I'm so glad I did. Words can't express how comforting and kind Dr. Joseph was during a time when I felt hopeless and betrayed by my body. He assured me that I could clear my skin NATURALLY! No scary side effects. It was a process of life style changes and balancing out my body with supplements. Turns out in a way my body was angry with me. I had been mistreating it with food and constantly on high stress and fatigued. I wasn't even drinking enough water! As my skin started to clear, I started to feel better over all. I was even able to get off allergy meds which I couldn't live without! My skin is now clear and radiant! I still have the occasional pimple here and there but instead of freaking out I take it as a sign from my body that something is out of balance. Usually it's stress.  In a world where most doctors hand out pills with severe side effect and barely know your name, Dr. Joseph is a true gift. I am so grateful to him.

E S.
Brooklyn, NY

I want everyone in NYC to know about Joseph and NNM. Even though it will make it harder to get appointments!

I've had persistent digestive problems, and several GI doctors have either given up on me or told me that the problems are all in my head. I came to Joseph as a last resort. I know this will sound hippie-dippie, but starting from my first appointment I felt respected as a patient and listened to as a human being, which was a huge contrast from my prior interactions with GI doctors. I've been seeing Joseph for acupuncture for about 5 months now, and I have seen marked improvements. I'm very hopeful that this positive trend will continue. I trust Joseph, and I'm tremendously grateful for his skills, wisdom, and kindness.

C. L.
New Paltz, NY

This is the first time I've ever written a review, but I created an account just so I could thank Joseph for his work with me. My sister lived in Brooklyn and she told me he was the only one who had been able to help her with her own chronic health issues-- I also looked on Yelp before I saw him and was persuaded by the overwhelmingly positive reviews I saw. I'd just like to join the chorus and affirm that YES, he really does deserve all these 5-Star reviews. I actually made a 4 hr round-trip down to the city (from upstate NY) once a week for months because his help was that invaluable to me in facilitating my healing.

Joseph is, bar none, one of the best health care practitioners I have ever been fortunate enough to encounter-- and I have seen MANY! His knowledge, skill, and compassion is unparalleled. As someone who had always been healthy and active for my entire life, it was a new experience for me when I developed a debilitating chronic illness ("interstitial cystitis"-- basically, chronic bladder pain) that mystified and stumped the docs and specialists I saw. Prior to seeing Joseph, I had been ill for almost 2 years and had seen more than a dozen healthcare providers (including several "alternative/holistic" practitioners)-- by the time I saw Joseph I had really begun to lose hope that I would ever recover and be able to live a "normal" life, but I am so grateful that I gave him a chance! I have discovered that there is no "magic bullet" (i.e. one simple fix/cure) if you really want to HEAL-- you *must* be ready and willing to make necessary lifestyle changes (particularly with diet) and truly follow his advised protocol. However, if you are committed to true healing, you *will* recover with Joseph's help! He is truly gifted and anyone lucky enough to be under his medical care is absolutely in good hands. THANK YOU so much, Joseph!

Kristen K.
Brooklyn, NY

I couldn't speak more highly of Joseph and Neighborhood Natural Medicine. I decided to check out his practice after reading the Yelp reviews almost two years ago, and still cannot believe how my health has changed since then. I had thyroid problems, adrenal problems, chronic neck and back pain, brain fog and no doctor had been able to help me. I spend thousands of dollars on inconclusive blood tests and was about to give up and live in constant nagging pain with no energy whatsoever. The process wasn't overnight, but diet and lifestyle changes coupled with monthly treatments at NNM finally gave me my life back. Two years later I am so grateful to him for this massive turnaround! I still go for minor tweaks but feel pretty fantastic on a daily basis - and even better after I leave his office. I cannot thank him enough.

Ryan C.
Brooklyn, NY

About a year ago, I came to see Joe at Neighborhood Natural Medicine to help me with chronic neck and back problems and other assorted aches and pains. Like many other people who have turned to Joe and to acupuncture in general, I'd been to countless doctors and physical therapists over the years with pretty poor results.

So i figured I'd give acupuncture a chance and I have been pleasantly surprised by the results. Joe is an excellent listener. Before he ever put a needle in me he asked a ton of questions about my medical history and my lifestyle. And he is a big advocate of total body health,  which means that even though your neck may hurt, the source of the problem may be originating from interruptions of energy somewhere else in your body.

Joe is also excellent at adapting his treatment approach depending on what's going on in your body. With me, he's used acupuncture needles in my hands and feet to open up channels of energy throughout my body. He has also done trigger point therapy to release particularly knotty or tight muscles.

I've been seeing Joe twice a month ever since, and have even got my wife to start coming as well. Those who expect instant miracles from a few treatments will probably be disappointed. But those who are willing to stick with it, and to embrace Joe's lifestyle and dietary advice will find that they have more energy, less pain, and an overall reduction in stress and anxiety in there life.

It's worth noting that I was very much an acupuncture an alternative medicine skeptic before first coming to Neighborhood Natural Medicine. But my outlook has changed, and fortunately, so has my health. This place is highly recommended.

Nicholas W.
Manhattan, NY

Dr. Joe is the best!

I've been seeing him for a little over a year now, after having suffered from cystic acne since I was 14--I'm now in my early 20s. I had already made changes in my lifestyle and diet, including doing yoga and cutting out gluten and dairy, but my skin problems still wouldn't go away. One thing Joseph suggested that really helped was that there isn't any one diet that works for everyone, and that I need to learn to listen to my own body to determine what's working and what isn't! This, along with supplements and monthly acupuncture sessions have improved my sleep, digestion, and stress levels, all which have contributed to my skin's healing.

Joseph is one of the kindest people I've met--every time I see him he's so calm and happy. He was genuinely concerned when I was dumped and my dog passed away and made sure I was doing ok! Thank you!

David G.
Brooklyn, NY

Nice guy.  I have horribly sensitive skin and wanted to try out some supplements to my medical regime and Joseph was great.  I think things are better now--thanks!  If anything, the experience at the office was very pleasant.

Jessica S.
Brooklyn, NY

The first time I went to see Joseph it was because a friend recommended him to help me deal with pain I was having in my upper back/shoulder area.  In that visit he figured out the source was a problem with my liver and gallbladder (an area that was also frequently in pain) although I had never tied the two together.  I had been to my doctor and had an ultrasound on my  liver and they told me they couldn't find anything wrong and basically they didn't know what was causing the pain. On top of that, the other issue I mentioned was that no matter how hard I tried I could not lose weight.  Well, that was because of the digestive issue.  He put me some herbs to help my body process food and the pain in my body was honestly gone after a few days.  In the months that followed I continued to eat healthy and immediately started dropping an average of two pounds a week until I got back to my "normal" body size.  Since then I have seen him for everything from menstrual cramps to sciatica.  He's never pushed a ton of products on me but the herbs I have use worked without all of the side effects of regular meds.  I can't say enough how many issues of mine have been resolved and how I wish i could make everyone go for just one visit! I know it sounds too good to be true.  You have to understand that your body is meant to heal and that it doesn't always need to have parts removed, x-rayed, cut into, etc.. to make that happen.  If you have gone to see everyone else and feel like your situation will just never get better than I urge you to give Joseph a try!!

Sara V.
Brooklyn, NY

I've been going to Neighborhood Natural Medicine for the last four months and it's been one of the best things I've done for my health and well being in a long time. The atmosphere is so tranquil and Joseph and Coleen are both wonderful. I originally went to see Joseph due to circulation problems in my hands and feet. I thought this was my main issue but it turned out that this was a symptom of a bigger internal imbalance. Several treatments later and my body has begun to heal itself. I feel great and balanced despite a super stressful summer at work. So happy to have discovered this healing haven!

Samantha N.
Brooklyn, NY

I began seeing Joseph two and a half years ago because it seemed that everything I ate was making me bloated and fatigued. I had lived with this discomfort, trying every different diet I could think of, cutting out meat and dairy primarily but nothing worked. Finally someone I knew, who had overcome cancer through Joesph's work, recommend I see him.

The minuet I walked into Neighborhood Natural I was welcomed by a Secretary with a warm smile, nice clean waiting area with books on Buddhism and lovely plants. When Joseph came in I felt his vibrant positive energy, and within minuets of our discussion he suspected what it turns out I had, a yeast infection in my stomach. He figured out what pills to use and then some acupuncture needles. At the end of our session he gave me some natural supplements to try. I had to completely cut out sugar from my diet. Three months later I began feeling a lot more energized and the boating has severely diminished. Since then, I have been getting better and better, which sadly means I only see Joesph about once a month.

Joseph has vastly improved my quality of life. I have more energy, feel healthier and more balanced over all. I would recommend Joseph whole hearty to anyone who is looking for an affordable, highly skilled, dynamic and caring natural path.

Rakel S.
Williamsburg, NY

A friend of mine recommend I'd see Joseph for issues I was experiencing with my left knee and I am very happy that I made that first appointment!

2 years ago I tore my ACL leading to having reconstructive surgery where I received a   new ACL from a donor. Even if I was sticking to my rehab/workout plan my knee would act up and become very painful from time to time. When I meet Joseph the area around my scar had unexplainable become very swollen. It hurt so much it was making me limp. This was a huge let down since I had just had a longer period of being pain free and was also slowly starting to get into the workout regime I was doing pre-surgery.
With Joseph focusing on the circulation in my leg and body overall I have now been pain free for about 8 months. I have even been able to go for a run!

But that is not the only thing that Neighborhood Medicine has helped me with. Joseph immediately  pinpointed that my bowel movements where not regular. I would go for days with nothing happening. I was so used to this so I did not see it as a problem. I was also prone to getting urinary tract infections on a regular basis. With acupuncture and natural supplements both of these issues are now a thing of the past. My digestion is back up to speed making feel overall a lot more energetic.

Also big plus for super friendly staff.

Kelley B.
Manhattan, NY

I started seeing Joseph about a year ago after a doctor friend of mine suggested I give him a try. I was not feeling normal for most of last summer. I had tests done and my GP said that I was starting to develop problems with my liver. He prescribed some sort of "daily" pill (the kind of "daily" that means when you start taking the medicine, you should never stop). When I went to have it filled at the Kmart pharmacy, I discovered that the monthly supply would set me back about $650 -- and that was WITH my insurance coverage. I then went back to my GP and told him I could not afford to go on the medicine he had prescribed. He then gave me a card for the company who manufactured the medicine. The card advised me to call a toll free number so that I could possibly obtain the medicine for less, $300 a month.

I then went to get a second opinion from another doctor who did tests and said that I may have something else wrong with me entirely. He too prescribed some sort of strong "daily" medicine.  I remember walking out of that doctor's office and falling into a deep depression. I decided right then and there, I would take my chances but I was not going to put strong chemicals with unknown side effects into my body.

A few days later, I told a doctor friend about my medical predicament. He told me to give Neighborhood Natural Medicine a try. He said that several of his patients had reported very good results.

Of course, I made an appointment with Joseph as soon as I could. From my first visit, II knew that my health would improve, and it did. After seeing Joseph for about eight weeks straight where he performed acupuncture each time and would put me into a deep trance for a few minutes. He created a regimen of herbs which I started to take daily. I started to quickly feel better as each day passed.

Cut to nearly one year later.  I see Joseph about every ten days. I have never felt better. I have all the evidence I need that Joseph is truly a healer.

I highly recommend anyone who has given up hope to give Joseph a try. It could be one of the best decisions you ever make for yourself.

Shawna K.
Brooklyn, NY

Joseph's 'office' is a peaceful and beautiful loft space.  Just visiting there is calming and healing.  It's great to have a place where non-invasive, ancient healing arts are used, and by someone who is friendly, kind, and reassuring.  Thanks Joseph!

Molly C.
Brooklyn, NY

Highly recommend Joseph and the staff at Neighborhood Natural Medicine. I first visited with some muscle pain from a running injury, and Joseph helped me get back running pain-free. Great treatment and very effective!

Natalie C.
Venice, CA

I started seeing Joseph about three years ago. I have experienced such amazing things working with him. I have seen him for everything from IBS, ovarian cysts, colds to a kidney infection. I almost went to the emergency room one afternoon because of a bladder infection turned worse. I went to see him instead and felt better almost immediately, and it was gone the next day. Certainly not everything is overnight, but overall I can genuinely say, I have never felt better in my body than I do now. I am in my best shape and have more energy than I had as a teenager. I had an ultrasound recently and my ovarian cysts continue to shrink.

I have probably sent many friends to Joseph, all with good success. He is helping your body heal itself, and the body can have some old patterns. It may take several visits, but trust the process. You will be so glad that you did.

Marianne R.
Manhattan, NY

I started seeing Joseph over 2 years ago. I was in chronic female pain for over a year -- seeing various doctors from "specialists" to other western doctors. I felt hopeless. A friend of mine recommended I see Joseph after her fantastic experience with him over a few months working through food intolerance's.

When I entered Joseph's place, I was blown away. I thought I would be traveling to another cold, impersonal, and frightening medical establishment. Instead, Joseph invited me warmly into his home filled with sunlight, warm breeze, and all around good energy. The open space and Joseph's relaxed yet jovial honesty put me right at ease.

After feeling certain pressure points about my arm, he asked about my lifestyle, diet, stress levels, etc. He discovered I was completely intolerant to dairy, but wheat was digestible. He also gave me insight on the specific ailment I was suffering from, applied a few acupuncture needles, gave me a few bottles of herbs, and I left. After a few months of cutting dairy out of my diet, I noticed a huge difference in my energy in the mornings and throughout the day. After a year I hadn't got sick at all -- not even a cold!

I return to Joseph now and again for whatever is troubling me and I always leave feeling brighter, healthier, and essentially, happier.

David H.
Manhattan, NY

I had been getting acupuncture and herbs every other week for eleven years to deal with a systemic issue that would get somewhat better but never completely went away. However since being treated by Joseph over the past 18 months that issue is gone - and my overall health and energy have exponentially increased. While initially I wasn't sure of his unorthodox approach - it's exactly that  - and the combination of modalities - which has made the treatment so effective. I highly recommend Neighborhood Natural Medicine.

penny k.
Brooklyn, NY

After arriving in the US three years ago I started to suffer from various digestive problems and allergic reactions that had no clear cause. As I didn't have health insurance, it was such a relief when a friend recommended Joseph. He diagnosed me very quickly as gluten intolerant, and sugar sensitive and after three - six months I felt so much better. His rates are fair, and he is relaxed, kind, and of course, very knowledgeable. I highly recommend his clinic!

Janet H.
Brooklyn, NY

Joseph was recommended to me by a dear friend who didn't even hesitate when I brought up acupuncture. I've been going for roughly 6 months and it has shown a world of difference in my life. My body has been going through some DJD- Degenerative Joint Disease in my knees that has been rather problematic for my lifestyle as a performer. Starting acupuncture was the best thing I could've ever done for myself and Joseph is the best! He's very good at what he does and creates an incredible space for healing and peace of mind.

Signe N.
New York, NY

Booking an appointment with Joseph (by a friends recommendation) was the best thing I've ever done for my health!!!
I had suffered from a parasite ( after a trip to India) and regular doctors failed to help me with their antibiotics etc.
Joseph detected the parasite in my system but also other things that were troubling my internal system. Things that had been hard to out the finger on but that I had felt for years: energy was low and my skin was continuously breaking out in bad acne.

Joseph healed me of everything within 2 months. I started feeling better within weeks and was completely full of energy with clear skin 1-2 months later.
Now I continue going to his soothing office for tune ups and it's the best things I've ever done!

All of my friends now go to Joseph and they are all raving about the help they are finally getting for problems that's been bugging them for years!!!!

His rate is so low compared to so many other holistic doctors that are charging hundreds of dollars, which is sad when people are desperate for help.
Joseph charges less than $100 and he believes in affordable health care which is just one another things that shows what big and good soul he has.

The care, kindness, gentleness, warmth and concern is one of a kind. I wish every doctor was like Joseph!

Em G.
Brooklyn, NY

I am SO thrilled that Yelp helped me discover this place, and Joseph. I've been to several acupuncturists before, and he's by far one of the best. His methods are a little unusual in terms of the way he diagnoses (i.e. not the standard acupuncturist's patient eval) but I can't argue with the results: I went in complaining of extreme fatigue, and after one session immediately felt better--and then kept improving. I can't speak highly enough of him and of this place. The office staff is great, the ambiance and interior of the office is lovely and soothing, the acupuncture itself is quite painless. Totally five stars!